可否幫一幫忙翻譯成英文?? (急)

2011-10-31 1:03 am

好感謝你能再減價給我們. 但由於價錢還是太高, 我們只能暫時訂3 噸貨. 請你可以允許我仍可以以$100價錢訂購3噸.


回答 (2)

2011-10-31 10:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thank you so much for reducing the price to us again! However, due to the price is still too high, we can only order 3 tons of goods for now.
Could you please still allow us to order 3 tons of goods at the price of $100?
Thank you very much for your understanding.

Note: you can replace the word "goods" to whatever actual item you are purchasing, eg: woods, clothes, metal.
參考: my 16 yrs life experience living in Canada
2011-10-31 1:15 am
好感謝你能再減價給我們. 但由於價錢還是太高, 我們只能暫時訂3 噸貨. 請你可以允許我仍可以以$100價錢訂購3噸.多謝你的體諒! 翻譯後

Good thanks you to be able again to reduce the price gives us. But because the price is too high, we only can subscribe 3 tons goods temporarily. Asked you to be possible to allow me still to be possible to order 3 tons by $100 prices.Many thanks your pardon!

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