methylpropane and methylbutane

2011-10-30 8:09 pm
as methylpropane has only one way to draw, we don't need to name it as 2-methylpropane. however, isn't methylbutane has one way to draw too? why my textbook name it as 2-methylbutane?

回答 (2)

2011-10-30 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are three kinds of structure about C5H12 (H-atoms are not shown):


They are all structural isomerism.

2011-10-30 13:37:53 補充:
You mean methylbutane has only one way to draw, so 2-methylbutane is not accpetable.
Yes, you are right. Since no matter how the methyl group stick on any carbon atom, there are only two compounds formed: pentane or methylbutane.

In exam, 2-methylbutane MAY be accepted as answer.
參考: Knowledge is power.
2011-10-30 11:40 pm
Yes, The correct name SHOULD be methylbutane.
Your textbook is not correct.

In fact, for IUPAC, the MOST correct name is Isopentane , but in exam, you should write methylbutane

2011-10-30 15:43:04 補充:
In fact,2-methylbutane is also acceptable.

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