
2011-10-30 2:59 pm
A is a 3 x 3 square matrix. If A^2 = A, is it true that A must be a singular matrix ? Please prove. If not true, please give an example, thanks.

Note : A is not equal to I.

回答 (3)

2011-10-30 5:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Suppose A is non-singular then A^(-1) existsA^2 = A => A^(-1) (A^2 ) = A^(-1) A => A = I which is a contradictionHence A must be singular

2011-10-30 11:33:09 補充:
Doraemonpaul: I do not understand your argument and solution.
You may find many many solutions for A (your second part). If for some of them, the solution is invertible then A^(-1) A A = A^(-1) A => A=I then this soultion must be the identity matrix. det(I) = 1 consistent with what you say.

2011-10-30 11:33:16 補充:
But the question already mentions A is not equal to I, therefore no matter how many other A exists that satisfy A^2 = A, they must all be singular. Isn't it right?

2011-10-30 11:37:13 補充:
By the way, a singular (奇異) matrix means an non-invertible (非可逆) matrix. A non-singular (非奇異) matrix means an invertible (可逆) matrix.
2011-10-31 5:39 am
A^2 = A

det(A^2) = det(A)

det(A) det(A) = det(A)

det(A) = 0 or det A = 1

Since det(A) can be 1, we conclude that A is not necessary to be a singular matrix. For example A = I also satisfies A^2 = A.

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