
2011-10-30 8:35 am
有幾題英文翻譯的問題,我不要用網路上的英文翻譯,請麻煩幫我翻譯成中文 謝謝! !

1.As children, Mozart and his sister traveledaround Europe playing music. They played for kings and queens. He was a masterof music. Sadly, he died when he was only 35. Otherwise, we could hear more ofhis beautiful music today.
2.But diesel is cheaper than gas! So, somepeople decided to make better diesel engines. These new engines are cleaner andfaster than they used to be. They are also cheaper to use than gas engines.
3.Student models for clothing companies showoff new clothes and have their pictures taken. Other students make money frombody ads. Students might shave off their hair and let an artist put companiesads on their heads!
4.Just make sure you stay away from yourmom's favorite lamp when you're playing tennis with it! The Wii Remote makesplaying video games a lot of fun, but be careful when you are using it!

回答 (4)

2011-10-30 9:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
.As children, Mozart and his sister traveledaround Europe playing music. They played for kings and queens. He was a masterof music. Sadly, he died when he was only 35. Otherwise, we could hear more ofhis beautiful music today. 當他們還是小孩時,莫札特和他的姐姐環遊歐洲並且演奏音樂

2.But diesel is cheaper than gas! So, somepeople decided to make better diesel engines. These new engines are cleaner andfaster than they used to be. They are also cheaper to use than gas engines.但是柴油比汽油更便宜

3.Student models for clothing companies showoff new clothes and have their pictures taken. Other students make money frombody ads. Students might shave off their hair and let an artist put companiesads on their heads!
為衣服公司工作的學生模特兒穿著公司的新衣服來展示 並讓人為他們拍照
4.Just make sure you stay away from yourmom's favorite lamp when you're playing tennis with it! The Wii Remote makesplaying video games a lot of fun, but be careful when you are using it!當你在用這個玩網球時,千萬要確定你自己離你媽最愛的檯燈遠一點
參考: 我
2014-03-17 2:43 am
穿搭技巧訓練課程,就算只是素人,從完全不懂到培育妳走向專業模特兒之路。也提供您一個可以自行展現作品的展示區(如:人物、主題設計、景觀、商展活動、棚拍…等等)專業攝影活動、模特兒外拍、整體造型師互動交流專區,都能在這裡勇敢秀出自我創意。有興趣可上官網了解相關課程「Seventeen數位影像專業社群」 (複製去搜尋即可!!)
2011-10-30 10:26 pm
「根據Yahoo奇摩知識+的定義,此問題的標題可能『過於含糊籠統』 。請修改標題後重新提問,要不然您自己可能必須承擔此問題事後被移除的風險。看到標題這麼 『含糊』的問題,我們大多數的"老鳥"是連看都不會去看它內容的。請參考:
2011-10-30 6:59 pm
1.As children, Mozart and his sister traveledaround Europe playing music. They played for kings and queens. He was a masterof music. Sadly, he died when he was only 35. Otherwise, we could hear more ofhis beautiful music today.
(英文文法錯誤: you LISTEN TO music, you don't hear it)

2.But diesel is cheaper than gas! So, somepeople decided to make better diesel engines. These new engines are cleaner andfaster than they used to be. They are also cheaper to use than gas engines.

(英文用詞錯誤: 汽油是petrol不是gas, gas指的是天然氣, 除非文中他指的就是天然氣引擎。)

3.Student models for clothing companies showoff new clothes and have their pictures taken. Other students make money frombody ads. Students might shave off their hair and let an artist put companiesads on their heads!

(英文一塌糊塗: 英文都已經這麼莫名奇妙了還要怎樣翻譯成中文?首先ad=adverts=廣告,而文中我猜他指的是產品=product。body product可以是任何可塗抹或使用在身上的產品,如護膚品、保養品、沐浴液等。)

4.Just make sure you stay away from yourmom's favorite lamp when you're playing tennis with it! The Wii Remote makesplaying video games a lot of fun, but be careful when you are using it!

當你(用Wii Remote)玩網球的時候,記得要遠離你媽最愛的檯燈。Wii Remote的確讓電玩變得更有樂趣,但使用時得要小心點。
(英文第一句: 因為文中後半部份提到Wii Remote,所以可以推斷文中第一句中"play tennis with it"這個"it"指的是"Wii Remote")
參考: 自己

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