英文高手請進 我要簡單實用口語的翻譯英文 (20點)

2011-10-31 12:10 am
請幫我翻譯成簡單的英文句子 ,好念 又口語

1.我是一位護士 ,我已經犧牲奉獻夠多年了,我也有孫子要照顧,



4.求求你們 ,放過我這個老人吧


回答 (3)

2011-10-31 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好,我很樂意幫你翻譯,不過在看完你的句子後,我感到你很無助與極度的痛苦? 我很希望你能夠沒事,可以讓事情有一個解決的方案;但不管結果如何,即使是最不好的發生,還是希望你有足夠的正面能量來面對、接受,並且會過的很好


1. I am a nurse, and I have been working for many years. Now I think it's about time for me to retire and enjoy myself in my rest of life. I also have some grandchildren that need to look after.

2. I wonder how can you all/guys be so mean/cruel to me as I am old enough to be like your mother? Would you treat your parents/family like this?

3. I don't want to die, I want to keep alive.

4. I am begging you all, can you please let me go?

5. I believe that you all will regret what you have done to me.

2011-10-31 07:19:58 補充:
參考: 在英文系國家住10年的自己
2011-10-31 3:39 pm
1. I am a nurse, I've sacrifice enough for many years, I have grandchildren to look after,Now it's time to me enjoying family happiness.
2. Why do you treat me so bad, like my age just like your mother, you are willing to do this to your loved ones?
3. I want to live, I don't want to die
4. I beg you, let me the old man
5 you made me, you'll be sorry
2011-10-31 1:40 pm

1. I am a nurse, and I have been working for many years. Now I think it's about time for me to retire and enjoy myself in the rest of my life. I also have some grandchildren that need to be looked after (taken care of).
因為“我有孫子要照顧”,而不是“我有孫子照顧”,所以是 "I have grandchildren to be looked after 或 to be taken care of"

2. I wonder how you all/guys can be so mean/cruel to me as I am about the same age as your mother, would you treat your parents/family like this?句子以 "I wonder" 開頭,說明了這個句子是陳述句而不是問句,所以不應在陳述句中問話。其實在“問句中再問話”也是不對的,如 "Do you know how much does it cost?" 是不正確的,正確答案為 "Do you know how much it costs?"

3. I don't want to die, I want to keep living my life. "alive" 是“活著”,也就是“死了”的反義詞,簡單點來說就是 "alive = not dead",所以"alive"一詞在這裡不應該這樣用。

4. I am begging you all, if you can please just let me go.
同(2)。因為 "I'm begging you all" 是陳述句,而句子後面連接的是逗號,表示句子未完,所以後半句應該同樣是陳述句而不是變成問句。

5. I believe that you will all regret what you have done to me.雖然 "you all will" 在文法上沒有錯誤,但人們通常都是說 "you will all ...",也可以說 "all of you will ...".

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