
2011-10-30 1:52 pm



回答 (5)

2011-10-30 4:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
next to her = by her side

next to her side = ?

2011-10-30 08:39:07 補充:
I will stay by her side for an eternity.
I will stay by her side until hell freezes over.
I will stay by her side till the end of time.

2011-10-30 17:54:19 補充:
Kobe fans are omnipresent, one of whom being yours truly.
參考: Kobe will be eternally remembered by hoopsters everywhere.
2011-10-30 4:55 pm
No Kobe fan here - he was a rapist!

What a brat he is...

2011-10-30 09:05:35 補充:
I would agree if you were talking about beef...
2011-10-30 3:05 pm
I will be with her forever and ever.

I will always be with her till the end of the world.

I will always be with her no matter what.

其實說法有很多種,將 be with her 改成 be by her side 也行得通,意思都是一樣的。當然也可以有其他的說法,如:

I will always be there for her whenever she needs me.

2011-10-30 07:07:17 補充:
be with her 改成 stay by her side 或許會好一點。
參考: 自己
2011-10-30 2:59 pm
Check out this site:


I will stay next to her side and accompany her until the end of the world.
2011-10-30 2:19 pm


i will stay by her side, forever.

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