幫我翻釋成英文, 快, 要交俾人呀

2011-10-30 3:37 am
敬啓者︰ 應徵 頃閱    月    日得悉貴公司聘請      ,我自信條件適合能勝任此職,特此致函應徵。 我2006年畢業於中華基督教會公理高中書院,同年參加香港中學會考,但考不到好成績。在學期間,我曾當班會總務,從中學會如何解決班中爭執的問題。2007年至今年期間,我在展亮技能發展中心先後修讀中文文書處理、電腦及區域網絡安裝及普通話,並在公開考試中考取優異的成績。在學期間亦曾自我進修一些電腦課程,如:文書處理、試算表、簡報、資料庫及網頁設計等相關課程,同時也有進修一些軟件,如:Photoshop及photoimpact等。我還熟識中英文電腦操作,也能操流利英艾及普通話。 本年六月至八月期間,我曾在聖雅各福群會-朗逸居及朗逸綜合服務隊內任職洗衣房服務員,負責乾洗衣服及整理床鋪等工作,雖然在這裏吸收的經驗不多,但我也明白到每一個實際工作環境中是需要一個能獨力負責自己崗位上之工作的人。當然,除了需要熟練的專業知識外, 建立良好人際關係、良好的溝通技巧也是一樣重要。 我性格開朗、熱誠、善與人交往,工作積極主動,盡職盡責,倘若 貴公司有機會可以讓我在此大展所長,我一定會盡職盡責地為公司效力。 倘蒙 予以面試機會,煩請致電92077422或來函示知。隨函附上履歷表一張,敬請查閱,專此,候覆。 敬頌時祺 應徵人          文寶姿敬啓


回答 (5)

2011-11-01 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear ︰
Are read on your hire date noted, I am confident that conditions are suitable for this job competently, hereby write to apply.
In 2006 I graduated from CCC Kung Lee College, the same year, the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, but not a good test results. As an undergraduate, I was on duty will be General, from classes to learn how to solve the problem in dispute.
During this year 2007, I Shine Skills Centre has taking Chinese word processing, computer and LAN installation and Mandarin, and in public examinations obtain excellent results. Self-study during the study period also some computer programs, such as: word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database and web design and other related courses, while also learning some software, such as: Photoshop and photoimpact, etc. I am also familiar with computer operation in English, also fluent in English and Mandarin Ai. Between June and August this year, I worked in St. James - Long Sunny Haven and integrated services within the team worked Laundry Attendant is responsible for laundry and dry beds, etc., although here the experience is not absorbed more, but I also understand that each is a real need for a work environment can be solely responsible for their own positions on the job. Of course, in addition to the skilled expertise, to establish good relationships, good communication skills is as important. I am cheerful, enthusiastic, good with people, proactive work, due diligence, if your company have the opportunity to let me in this exhibition director, I will dutifully effect for the company. If Mongolia opportunity to interview, please kindly contact 92077422 or letter shows knowledge. Please find attached a resume, please check specifically for this, waiting reply.

King Chung
When Qi

The applicant

Man Po Che
2011-11-02 5:47 am
Dear ︰ Candidates Are read on your hire date noted, I am confident that conditions are suitable for this job competently,hereby write to apply. In 2006 I graduated from CCC Kung Lee College, the same year, the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, but not a good test results. As an undergraduate, I was on duty will be General,from classes to learn how to solve the problem in dispute. During this year 2007, I Shine Skills Centre hastaking Chinese word processing, computer and LAN installation and Mandarin, and in public examinationsobtain excellent results. Self-study during the study period also some computer programs, such as: word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database and web design and other related courses, while alsolearning some software, such as: Photoshop and photoimpact, etc. I am also familiar with computer operation in English, also fluent in English and Mandarin Ai. Between June and August this year, I worked in St. James - Long Sunny Haven and integrated serviceswithin the team worked Laundry Attendant is responsible for laundry and dry beds, etc., although here the experience is not absorbed more, but I also understand that each is a real need for a work environmentcan be solely responsible for their own positions on the job. Of course, in addition to the skilled expertise,to establish good relationships, good communication skills is as important. I am cheerful, enthusiastic, good with people, proactive work, due diligence, if your company have the opportunity to let me in this exhibition director, I will dutifully effect for the company. If Mongolia opportunity to interview, please kindly contact 92077422 or letter shows knowledge. Please find attached a resume, please check specifically for this, waiting reply. King ChungWhen Qi The applicant Dear Man Ports         
2011-11-01 11:10 am
To Dear Secretary or Sir
Regarding application for vacancy of ------
According to the advertisement in the newspaper on---------in------- regarding the vacancy of -----------; and believed that I'm able to do the job as required. For this reason, I would like to apply and send this application to you for your consideration please
I graduated in the Chinese Christian Justice College in 2006 and had participated in the Open Examination authorized by the Education Department but with disappointed results. During that college period, I had been doing general affairs and understanding how to deal with conflicts in the classroom. Later on, from 2007 and up to the present, I had studied in the brighten talent development center in order to specialize in inputting Chinese,computer science, installing internet networks and Mandarin dialogue. Moreover, I had obtained the best scores in the Open Examination. More than that, I had specialized in advanced computer courses, i.e. microsoft word document, tables and graphics, formal report, filing system and design of website etc. At the sametime, I also took up the study of softwares i.e. photoshop and photoimpact etc. Besides, I'm familar with the knowledge of inputting both chinese and English, and fluency in both spoken English and Mandarin. (the next paragraph is omitted because of too lengthy)
About myself, I'm open minded, affectionable, good commuication skill, initiative. and loyalty; if I were given the chance to be appointed and will do the job diligently and with all my might for the benefits of the company.
Hopefully you'll give me a chance of interview; herewithin please find my resume attached. Your kind approval and reply on my application will be heartily. appreciated.
Yours Sincerely,
Phone #____

2011-10-31 10:37 pm
Dear ︰


Are read on your hire date noted, I am confident that conditions are suitable for this job competently, hereby write to apply.

In 2006 I graduated from CCC Kung Lee College, the same year, the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, but not a good test results. As an undergraduate, I was on duty will be General, from classes to learn how to solve the problem in dispute. During this year 2007, I Shine Skills Centre has taking Chinese word processing, computer and LAN installation and Mandarin, and in public examinations obtain excellent results. Self-study during the study period also some computer programs, such as: word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database and web design and other related courses, while also learning some software, such as: Photoshop and photoimpact, etc. I am also familiar with computer operation in English, also fluent in English and Mandarin Ai.

Between June and August this year, I worked in St. James - Long Sunny Haven and integrated services within the team worked Laundry Attendant is responsible for laundry and dry beds, etc., although here the experience is not absorbed more, but I also understand that each is a real need for a work environment can be solely responsible for their own positions on the job. Of course, in addition to the skilled expertise, to establish good relationships, good communication skills is as important.

I am cheerful, enthusiastic, good with people, proactive work, due diligence, if your company have the opportunity to let me in this exhibition director, I will dutifully effect for the company.

If Mongolia opportunity to interview, please kindly contact 92077422 or letter shows knowledge. Please find attached a resume, please check specifically for this, waiting reply.

King Chung

When Qi

The applicant

Dear Man Ports

2011-11-01 17:46:05 補充:

google translates!!!!

-copy and place
參考: ...
2011-10-30 3:39 am
Dear ︰


Are read on your hire date noted, I am confident that conditions are suitable for this job competently, hereby write to apply.

In 2006 I graduated from CCC Kung Lee College, the same year, the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, but not a good test results. As an undergraduate, I was on duty will be General, from classes to learn how to solve the problem in dispute. During this year 2007, I Shine Skills Centre has taking Chinese word processing, computer and LAN installation and Mandarin, and in public examinations obtain excellent results. Self-study during the study period also some computer programs, such as: word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database and web design and other related courses, while also learning some software, such as: Photoshop and photoimpact, etc. I am also familiar with computer operation in English, also fluent in English and Mandarin Ai.

Between June and August this year, I worked in St. James - Long Sunny Haven and integrated services within the team worked Laundry Attendant is responsible for laundry and dry beds, etc., although here the experience is not absorbed more, but I also understand that each is a real need for a work environment can be solely responsible for their own positions on the job. Of course, in addition to the skilled expertise, to establish good relationships, good communication skills is as important.

I am cheerful, enthusiastic, good with people, proactive work, due diligence, if your company have the opportunity to let me in this exhibition director, I will dutifully effect for the company.

If Mongolia opportunity to interview, please kindly contact 92077422 or letter shows knowledge. Please find attached a resume, please check specifically for this, waiting reply.

King Chung
When Qi

The applicant

Dear Man Ports

2011-11-01 16:08:06 補充:
參考: , 002-003咪玩copy我。

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