al PHYSICS E-field

2011-10-30 2:05 am


個波有層inner shell 同埋outer shell
咁入面有粒+ve charge,
會induce左inner shell係 -ve charge
咁inner shell既-ve charge會induce outershell,
而令outershell有 +ve charge

咁我想問, 既然inner shell係帶 -ve charge而入面又有粒 +ve charge
咁會唔會有potential 呢?
而outershell 同inner shell又分別帶+ve同-ve 咁同樣地

而e-field , 粒+ ve charge同inner shell之間有冇 e- field
而inner shell同outer shell之後又有冇e-field 呢??

請詳細解釋(中英都可), 萬分感謝...(20點)

回答 (1)

2011-10-30 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
The most important point that you should be aware of is that electric field can only exist in dielectrics (air is also a dielectric, the same for vacuum which has a non-zero permittivity). Electric feld cannot exist in a conductor.

Therefore, the answers to your questions are:

Q: 既然inner shell係帶 -ve charge而入面又有粒 +ve charge, 咁會唔會有potential 呢?
Yes, there are electric field lines going from the +ve charge to the induced -ve charges on the inner surface of the shell. Since electric field lines are connecting places of different potentials, it is apparent that there is a potential difference between the +ve charge and the induced -ve charges.

Q: 而outershell 同inner shell又分別帶+ve同-ve 咁同樣地佢地之間會唔會又有potential?
No. Electrin field lines cannot exist in a conductor. As such, the potentials at all pointson the sphere (including those on the inner and outer surfaces of the shell) are equal.

Just imagine if electric field lines exist, they would cause the induced charges to flow until all points on the conducting shell are of the same potential, and the field lines then vanish.

Q: 而e-field , 粒+ ve charge同inner shell之間有冇 e- field?
Electirc field lines are linking +ve charges with -ve charges in a dielectric. It s thus apparent that these electric field lines exist in the cavity. Seealso answer to the1st question.

Q: 而inner shell同outer shell之後又有冇e-field 呢??
There are electric field lins outside the shell. These field lines originate from the induced +ve charges residing on the outer shell surface.


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