F5 Chem redox reaction

2011-10-29 6:18 am
1) how to decide which is oxidizing agent and reducing agent in the following reaction?
2NO(g) + O2 → 2NO2(g)

2) In this reaction,

Cl2(g) + 2NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + NaOCl(aq) + H2O(l)

it seems that only Cl has changed the oxidation number but it is separated into two compounds. Is it a redox reaction?

3) Textbook says that the O.D. of some elements in compounds are fixed.
For example, Na = +1
Cl = -1
O = -2
So what is the O.D. of each element in the compound NaOCl ?

thank you

回答 (3)

2011-10-30 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) The oxidation number of N in NO increases from +2 to +4 in NO2.
So it is oxidized and it is a reducing agent.
The oxidation number of O in O2 decreases from 0 to -2 in NO2.
So it is reduced and it is an oxidizing agent.

2) Yes, it is a special redox reaction called disproportionation.
The oxidation number of Cl in Cl2 increases from 0 to +1 in NaOCl.
So it is oxidized and it is a reducing agent.
The oxidation number of Cl in Cl2 also decreases from 0 to -1 in NaCl.
So it is reduced and it is also an oxidizing agent.
Since Cl2 act as both oxidizing agent and reducing agent in the reaction, we call this redox reaction as disproportionation.

3) Oxidation number of Na: +1
Oxidation number of O: -2
Since O.N. of Na + O.N. of O + O.N. of Cl = 0
+1 + (-2) + O.N. of Cl = 0
O.N. of Cl = +1

2011-10-30 13:46:56 補充:
A chemical oxidized should be a reducing agent, while reduced should be a oxidizing agent, plz clarify your answer.
參考: Knowledge is power.
2011-10-31 6:02 am
oxygen既O.N.唔係always -2
2011-10-30 1:59 am
你一直打緊o既O.D. 應係係O.N.(oxidation number)

1) oxdizing agent is NO (ON. of N change from +2 to +4)
reduing agent is O2 (ON. of O change from 0 to -2)

2) you are right in this reaction , only Cl has changed the ON. Cl2 act as
reducing agent and oxidizing agent. In physical chemistry, we call this kind of reaction is disproportional reaction. disproportional reaction is also a redox reaction.

3) are you F.5 now if you do NaOCl is not your level it should be F.6 level. Na is metal the oxidation number is +1. IT IS ALWAYS THE SAME. O is always -2. IT IS ALWAYS THE SAME, too. But Cl is not . it usually is at -1. But it has variable oxidation number, like +1.

so in your case Na=+1 Cl=+1 O= -2

2011-10-30 22:29:14 補充:
sor 第一題打錯.... NO應該被O2 oxidized(ON. of N change from +2 to +4) 所以O2 is oxdizing agent

O2應該被NO reduced(ON. of O change from 0 to -2) 所以NO is reducing agent.

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