
2011-10-28 11:51 pm
以下一段致謝詞, 希望英文高手能幫我朋友翻譯, 因朋友的外國老細都會出席, 所以急於揾求救..麻煩晒!! (如覺得唔通順, 可以作出修改...謝)
首先歡迎同多謝各位親戚朋友抽空來臨我地既婚宴, 見証我地係人生中進入另一個階段既重要時刻, 希望大家係今日既晚宴上, 同我地一樣有一個愉快同難忘既晚上, 最後, 酒微菜薄, 招呼唔到, 大家飲多2杯! 多謝!!

回答 (7)

2011-10-29 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
We would like to thank everyone for attending our wedding, to share our joy and witness our life changing moment. We hope all of you will have a great time tonight. Enjoy yourselves. Thank you!
2011-10-31 12:53 am
1/較有禮貌(如"I would like to")
2/"酒微菜薄…"太謙虛,不附合外國人的文化,用"please make yourself comfortable "挺好的
3/貌似較文雅(如"take the big step onto a new stage...")

2011-10-30 16:54:46 補充:
1/take [a] big step onto a new stage [of] our life journey
2/please make yourself [feel] comfortable

2011-10-29 12:52 pm
Good evening! Ladies and Gentlement, friends and family members, I would like to open this joyful evening by giving my warmest welcome to you. We cannot be more grateful and honoured for all your blessings and presence in this room, to witness the very moments of importance to us on our wedding dinner -- tonight, my wife and I are going to take the big step onto a new stage on our life journey, combining two paths into one full of bliss and laughters. We genuinely hope you will have a pleasant and unforgettable evening with us. Nothing will be more regretable to us than not attending to our guests well, so please make yourself comfortable and enjoy the food and atmosphere as much as possible. Thank you very much! Cheers!

This is my first time to write a wedding speech like this. I hope it helps you in a more or lesser way.

2011-10-30 17:46:07 補充:
Yeah I apologize for my grammatical mistake. I didn't proofread again and not realize 'on our life journey' should be changed to 'of our life journey' until I posted it on. Nevertheless, it should be 'a big step'. Thanks for your correction, kaman.


2011-10-30 17:48:33 補充:
Though I will stick to my original 'to make yourself comfortable'. I'm pretty sure it's right, as it is inclusive of the meaning 'relaxed' and feeling natural too. 'To feel comfortable' isn't really the right choice. Thanks anyway.
2011-10-29 2:55 am
First of all welcome relatives and friends Thank you for taking the time with the arrival of mywedding to not only witness I have to enter another phase of system life, both in an important moment, I hope you both dinner Department today, the same way as I have bothan enjoyable evening with memorable, Finally, the wine micro-thin vegetables, greet Wu Dao, we drink more than 2 cups! Thank you!!
2011-10-29 1:36 am
We are pleased and thankful for all of you, our friends and relatives, to attend our wedding banquet, to witness this important moment of our lives as we step into another phase. We wish you may share our happiness tonight, enjoy the dinner and drinks, thank you.
2011-10-29 12:16 am
First of all, welcome relatives and friends ,thank you for taking the time with the advent of our wedding dinner.The witness of our life to another stage in an important moment.
Hope that in tonight's dinner, like us, have an enjoyable and memorable evening.
Finally, I thank you once again for coming our wedding dinner and for blessing me and my wife,hope you all enjoy dinner, thank you

2011-10-29 12:08 am
First, I need to welcome all my relatives and friends to come here and taking the time to arrival of my wedding party be a witness. I am going to enter another phase of my life. It is an important moment. We are sincerely to hope you have a good time with memorable today. Finally I hope you all enjoy and drink more at this moment .Thank you!!

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