Phy 電問題

2011-10-28 4:36 am
如果要掂一個帶負電的金屬球, 穿膠鞋的用途係乜? (請用flow of 電子來解釋)
my body 會否好似earthing 咁拎金屬球的electron?

穿唔穿膠鞋的分別是乜? (請用flow of 電子來解釋)

my body 會否好似earthing 咁拎金屬球的electron? 呢句其實問當穿了膠鞋, my body 會否act like the earth in earthing, 去拎電子and store in my body

回答 (1)

2011-10-28 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wearing of rubber shoes prevents the flow of electrons through you body from the charged metal sphere to earth, as rubber is not a good conductor.

If you are standing on the ground with bare feet, then electrons can easily flow from the metal sphere to earth passing through your body. Depending on the amount of electrons initially on the metal sphere, you would get a feeling of electric shock.

But be aware that, as you should have learnt when studying electrostatics, electrostatics generally deals with small amount of charges but at high potential (in contrast to current electricity that deals with large amount of charges but at low potential). For example, 0.1 micro-coulomb (= 10^-7 coulomb) of static charge on a metal sphere of radius 5 cm would produce a potential of 18,000 volt (=18 kV), which is sufficiently high to force electrons passing through your body even if you wear a pair of rubber shoes.

2011-10-28 23:36:35 補充:
Q:my body 會否act like the earth in earthing, 去拎電子and store in my body
A: No. Electrons only flow when there is a potential difference. When you touch the charged metal sphere, you are already at the same potential as the sphere.

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