英文sba (赌波合法 好+壞處)

2011-10-27 8:36 pm
It has been eight years since the gov't legalized football betting.
your yeacher,however,still feels the gov't move is highly undesirable. (討厭的人)

group has been asked to discuss both the advantages & disadvantages of legalizing soccer betting

please writing a point form to me

回答 (1)

2011-11-05 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think there is more advantage than disadvantage of the gambling industry in Macau because the gambling industry brings in money to Macau and it also creates a lot of job opportunities to the local market. Jobs related to the gambling industry such as the entertainment business, hotel, tourists' oriented industries... benefitted from the flourising gambling business in Macau. Macau is a small place, compared to Hong Kong and Macau does not own a lot of natural resources which allows her to compete with the neighbouring Pearl Delta cities such as Hong Kong and Quangzhao. I think that the gambling industry brings a lot of opportunities to Macau.

We should understand the meaning of pathological gambling first.
What is pathological gambling(病態賭博)?

Gambling is a kind of pastime for many people. About 90% of men in Hong Kong have taken part in some sort of gambling, such as horseracing, mahjong, card games, lottery and various other casino games. To a certain extent, gambling seems to be a part of our culture. However, when a person's gambling behaviour becomes out of control and characterized by a continual need to gamble, even when the person experiences difficulties and distress from gambling, he may be suffering from pathological gambling.
How can I prevent it? 預防勝於治療

The best way to prevent your gambling behaviour from getting out of control is to recognize the early warning signs of pathological gambling and to seek assistance whereas appropriate.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 13:41:20
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