UrgentEnglish grammar problems

2011-10-27 4:22 pm
1.Seeking help must be an essential step to succeed or success?
2.With my caring,cheerful personality or personalities?
3.communication skills, leadership skills 正確,還是Communication skill, leadership skill 正確?另外,以下哪句正確?Communication skills are undoubtedly the most important prerequsite in teaching
Communication skill is undoubtedly the most important prerequsite in teaching

4.Is this sentence correct?
It can leads to a better way of knowledge conveyance. 5.如果我想說教育是每一個文明社會的基石,這句正確嗎?
Education is the ground of every civilized society.
6.I am eager to shoulder the responsibility for the contribution to child education.

the contribution to 是否多餘呢? 上面那句好些還是下面這句好些?
I am eager to shoulder the responsibility for child education.

Thanks for answering!

回答 (1)

2011-10-28 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Seeking help must be an essential step to succeed or success?Seeking這個用詞本身已經有少少問題,因為以gerund動名詞並不太合適地表達我會用infinite to來表達一種行動而不是一個狀況。Succeed或success兩個都是寫錯句法的。 To seek help is an essential step to achieve success. 2.With my caring,cheerful personality or personalities?如果單單選擇文法正確的話便一定是personalities因為caring和cheerful就算當你忘記中間要加and都是兩樣東西。但這句要寫得好是With my caring and cheerful personalities, …還要延續後句子的內容

3.communication skills, leadership skills 正確,還是Communication skill, leadership skill 正確?如果由我選擇我會組合為communication and leadership skills.當然語法上講communication或leadership似乎是一樣東西,但由於skill這東西在同一個範疇項目中也可以有多樣性的,所以今時今日一般都會寫為communication skills和leadership skills.另外,以下哪句正確?Communication skills are undoubtedly the most important prerequsite in teaching
Communication skill is undoubtedly the most important prerequsite in teaching按上面的解釋第一句會比較合理反映現實 4.Is this sentence correct?
It can leads to a better way of knowledge conveyance. Incorrect.首先it can lead to…當中leads錯了knowledge conveyance 不太明白意思,你想說傳遞知識?我諗用錯了名詞,知識不能像通訊電波或寄一封信或我講你聽那樣傳遞的,最少英語世界的表達沒有這種講法。你可以用transfer這個字表示由一個人傳到另一個人,最少knowledge transfer是英語人的用語。

Education is the ground of every civilized society.Ground並不是基石,我想你以比喻建屋的地基,但ground除了是地面外,它另有「理據」這意思的。如果你這樣寫英語人會讀為「教育是每個文明社會的理據」即是驗證一個文明社會的方法,便跟你的原意不同了。應該寫為Education is the foundation of every civilized society.如果再理念性的寫法是Education is the fundamental of every civilization society.便把你的原文改成「教育是每一個文明社會的基礎」不是象形的基石。

6.I am eager to shoulder the responsibility for the contribution to child education.

the contribution to 是否多餘呢? 上面那句好些還是下面這句好些?
I am eager to shoulder the responsibility for child education.是多餘 修正responsibility for或responsible for用了這個preposition的意思是為兒童教育負上責任,真是很偉大啊。如果你是教育部長/局長才可以這樣說的。如果你的想當幼童教育家或當教長,用responsibility of child education已經是對兒童教育負上很大的責任了。如果你只是當教師或幼兒教育的助理,則只能寫成responsibility in child education.意思是在兒童教育中當負擔一份責任。
參考: 願你努力正正式式學好英語。

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