334 GCE升學疑問 (urgent)

2011-10-27 2:24 am
1. I want to know if I wanna study medicine in the UK(I know it's extremely competitive, especially for non-EU students), which subjects should I take? (BTW, I study phy chem bio m2 in HK and now I'm F4) Is phy chem bio further math ok?

2. What's the min. grades for an interview (medicine in top 5 UK medi. school)? All A*? What about other science subject such as physics, biochem?

2. Usually how many score in IELTS is required?

3. Which one (cambridge or london) is prefered?

4. I know gce is split into AS and A-level and students have to complete the 2 parts in 2 years. Is it possible for me to do so in HK? (AS in f5, AL in f6)

5. What is the estimated cost of studying there (tuition fee + living costs) for medicine and other sci subjects(phy, biochem, etc) respectively?


回答 (1)

2011-10-28 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. I want to know if I wanna study medicine in the UK(I know it's extremely competitive, especially for non-EU students), which subjects should I take? (BTW, I study phy chem bio m2 in HK and now I'm F4) Is phy chem bio further math ok?

>> 最好take 4科, phy, chem, bio, maths, 如果你想既話, 可以多加psycho 祉f. maths. 你唔可以就咁take f. maths, 因為f. maths 係同maths 一齊讀的.

2. What's the min. grades for an interview (medicine in top 5 UK medi. school)? All A*? What about other science subject such as physics, biochem?

>> 全a*, 因為所有學生, apply 得medics 的, 都係有全a* 的了. 如果係physics, top 5 既, 最少都要有a*aa/a*a*a, oxbridge 果一d 比較competitive, 一年有幾千人apply, 所以screen 成績係第一part, 之後再睇你eca 同interview.

2. Usually how many score in IELTS is required?

>> 6.5 or above, 但有一d 學校, 係會要求高一d 既.

3. Which one (cambridge or london) is prefered?

>>2個都ok, 2個都可以俾承認, 你要check , check 邊一個board 考既野啱你多一d 既, 因為唔同就係唔同在, 2個exam board 問問題既style 唔一樣.

4. I know gce is split into AS and A-level and students have to complete the 2 parts in 2 years. Is it possible for me to do so in HK? (AS in f5, AL in f6)

>> 可以, 冇問題的,

5. What is the estimated cost of studying there (tuition fee + living costs) for medicine and other sci subjects(phy, biochem, etc) respectively?

>> 假設你想入既係imperial, 呢個就係佢地既tuition fee 既table:

>> http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/registry/studentfinancialsupport/tuitionfees

>> 而如果係oxford 的話, 就可以係呢度搵到.

>> http://www.ox.ac.uk/feesandfunding/fees/

>> 同其實大學, 唔差得幾遠. 呢個只係學費, 未計食同住, 係london 既話, 一年8~10萬度, 而唔係london 既話, 5~8萬都應該可以了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

2011-10-28 04:28:39 補充:
1) 係, 個system 係咁.. 你要讀maths and f. maths, 唔可以就咁讀f. maths
2) 難一d, 因為scholarship 已經難攞, 仲要俾non eu 既話, 就會難好多. 有一d 學校, 有overseas 既scholarship, 但係要攞到都唔易, 因為仲有好多中國人同你compete ~_~

2011-11-01 02:35:17 補充:
of coz you can take 5 subject :)
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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