do you miss being a primary school kid?

2011-10-25 3:17 pm
so do you miss it, would you say it was better back then or do you like your life now

回答 (10)

2011-10-25 3:31 pm
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definitely.. i miss not having all the complications that come with being in high school. life then was the best, i just didnt take the time to realize it... relationships were as easy as sharing the toys and now they require work. work was as easy showing up to class and doing times tables and now i spend hours a night doing homework. if you could take me back to that time of my life, i would love you forever. :)
2011-10-25 3:20 pm
I'm in Year 8, right now.

But yeah, when I split up from Year 6, it's sooo sad! :( I loved my old class and now, I barely see any of them anymore! But then again, if I hadn't move on, I wouldn't have met some of the people I know now, and be the person I am today! :) Xx
2011-10-25 3:20 pm
I do sometimes miss it, yes, but not because life was 'better'. It was just a hell of a lot easier. There were so many things I didn't understand, and so many people I hadn't met and that was good. But obviously you've got to grow up and now I have great new friends and a completely different, yet meaningful outlook on life and I honestly wouldn't change it for the world.
2011-10-25 3:33 pm
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
When I was younger, I used to be so shy.
But also yes, because the lessons at school were easy, I only had nothing to think about but watch Blues Clues on TV. I didn't have to worry about projects or play directing at school or complain about gazillions of homework being weighed down on me. Being a young kid is fun.

But I like my life this time. I don't know but I think I'm maturing and learning to handle problems like how an adult would. I am learning to be more sensitive to others. And also, I got to experience one of the most beautiful experience a girl could have—fall in love with a guy. It's magical but I know that at my age, I cannot date or marry yet. I'm too young. I love being a teen though the world seems crazy to me, I still love the life I'm living with.

(Long speech, eh? LOL)
2017-01-25 6:01 pm
I miss it✌️️✌️️✌️️✌️️????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2013-11-19 6:29 pm
OBVIOUSLY primary school was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better it was the best time of my life especially year 6 good times high school is ****
2011-10-25 10:18 pm
yea, i miss having my own desk. i miss how on the first day of school, the teacher gives you some supplies and new notebooks. i miss being with a smaller group of people. even though i miss elementary school, being high school student is awesome.
2011-10-25 4:36 pm
in a way yes... because i couldn't understand so many things back then.. i didn't know about so many things.. i would prefer for it to stay that way... but obviously it can't..
in a way i don't miss it because now i have so may other opportunities and i can do so many things i couldn't do back then.. and i am not as naive as i was when i was a kid ..
2011-10-25 4:32 pm
I miss having no homework. Life is sooo much harder, but a lot more fun.
2011-10-25 3:30 pm
I prefer being in year 9 and prefer being In secondary school because my primary school was crap.

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