
2011-10-26 3:54 am
Please clearly show the differences between:

consist (in/of)

***Don't copy the dictionary on the Net and you MUST answer yourself***

回答 (2)

2011-10-29 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
-writing/creating sth e.g. composing a poem, music
-sth composed of sth e.g. greenhouse gases are composed of carbon dioxide, water vapour etc.

-consist in: similar to 'to be determined by'
e.g. The beauty of the city consists in the unique scenery of sea.
The beauty of this city is determined by the unique scenery.
-consist of: same as sth is composed of sth. similar to 'include'
e.g. greenhouse gases consist of carbon dioxide and water vapour.

- similar to 'include/contain'
e.g. The medical group comprises three doctors and seven nurses.

-similar to 'organize, form'
e.g. The ICAC was constitued to strike corruption.

-similar to 'contain/comprise'
e.g. The price includes both house and furniture.

-similar to 'include'
e.g. A packed lunch contains a bread, banana and a bottle of water.
I could not contain (similar to control) my laughter to the joke.
參考: me xp
2011-10-27 3:39 am
compose com·pose /kəmˈpəuz US -ˈpouz/ v
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: composer, from Latin componere; COMPOUND2]
a) be composed of sth
to be formed from a number of substances, parts, or people
 Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
 The legal system is composed of people, and people make mistakes.
b) [T not in progressive] formal
to combine together to form something
= make up
 More than 17.6 million firms compose the business sector of our economy.
[I and T]
to write a piece of music
 Barrington has composed the music for a new production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.
compose a letter/poem/speech etc
to write a letter, poem etc, thinking very carefully about it as you write it
 Compose a letter to your local paper stating your views on an issue of your choice.
a) compose yourself
to try hard to become calm after feeling very angry, upset, or excited
 Lynn sat at the desk, taking several deep breaths to compose herself.
b) compose your face/features/thoughts
to make yourself look or feel calm

When asked a question, give yourself a second or two to compose your thoughts.
to arrange the parts of a painting, photograph, or scene in a way that achieves a particular result
I like the way he composes his photographs.

consist con·sist
W3 /kənˈsɪst/ v
consist in [consist in sth] phr v
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: consistere 'to stand still or firm, exist', from com- ( COM-) + sistere 'to stand']
to be based on or depend on something
 Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.
consist of [consist of sth] phr v
to be formed from two or more things or people
 The buffet consisted of several different Indian dishes.
consist mainly/largely/primarily of sb/sth
 The audience consisted mainly of teenagers.
consist entirely/solely of sb/sth
 The area does not consist entirely of rich people, despite popular belief.
參考: longman dictionary

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