Electrolysis question please!

2011-10-25 8:50 am
How long would it take to deposit a 0.5 micrometer layer of nickel in the following electroplating system: Current: 10 A, electrodes: 5 cm2 anode and a 10 cm2 cathode, plating bath: 10 g/L of Ni2+ at pH 9?

Thank you for helping!!!!

回答 (1)

2011-10-25 3:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Niis deposited on the cathode.
Ni^2+(aq) + 2e^- → Ni(s)

Volume of Ni deposited = 10 ´ (0.5 ´10^-4) = 0.0005 cm^3

Density of Ni = 8.908 g/cm^3
Mass of Ni deposited = 0.0005 ´ 8.908 = 0.004454 g
No. of moles of Ni deposited = 0.004454/58.7 = 0.00007588 mol
No. of moles of e^- passed = 0.00007588 ´ 2 = 0.0001518 mol

Each mole of e^- carries 96000 C of electricity.
Amount of electricity needed = 0.0001518 ´ 96500 C
Time required = 0.0001518 ´ 96500 / 10 = 1.46 s
參考: Adam

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