My resume: should include the following items and details:
1.Name;2. Age;3.Maritus Status;
4.Qualifications: e.g. Educational learnings(graduations, diplomas,certificates, etc)
5.Experiences: e.g. kind of posts done or doing at present;
6.Skillfulness or Talent: e.g. computer science, accounting, rearing tropical fish, bookkeeping etc.
7.Interests or Hobbies in hearing music, singing, playing piano, writing compositions, brushing of Chinese drawings,Chinese calligraphy, camera shooting, hiking, travelling or sightseeing,collection of postage or coins or antiques, dog, cat, tropical fish, dwarf plants, gardening, Gymnastic Exercises e.g. Tai Chi or Chinese Kung Fu, National gymnastic etc; Sports: e.g. swimming, Football, Tennis, Volley ball, Baseball, Bowling, Ping-pong ball, Golf, Billard, Badminton, etc.
8.My character and Nature: straightforward, enthusiastic, loyal, obedient, optimistic, progressive, eager to learn, accountable etc.
9. My earnest job: sale of attractive tropical fish, Bookkeeping or Accounting, Management of Purchase, Place an order for goods with Messrs-------Company, Cash purchase, Purchase on account, An order for two cartons of beer, give the tradesman an order for goods. fill an order(supply the goods asked for).
前幾天看到yahoo新聞提要[巧立名目吸引待業青年「洗腦」 層壓式推銷「借屍還魂」, 試想想尋找工作, 用正途搵錢, 是沒有這麼容易簡單! 這些標榜在家工作, 時間自由, 不論學歷, 高入息, 先付一畢入會費建立自己網頁, 再找下線賺佣的工作, 又有藉詞網上做訪問, 做eMarketing & Service, 健康產品傳銷等等, 其實都是借機吸納待業人士做所謂[推銷健康產品]的下線, 都是變種的層壓式推銷法. 還有些神棍藉詞介紹他人工作, 月入過萬等等, 都是想拿取他人資料做疲勞式推銷. 各位待業青年, 朋友, 中年失業人士, 真的要小心這些求職陷阱, 還要看看這段新聞, 再反醒是否真的遇過文章所講這類型工作, 要小心, 不應支付任何費用, 你們是打工賺錢, 不是出錢去打工, 更不應叫朋友參與, 請各位朋友們提高警覺. 如想看這段新聞請將整條link 複製.巧立名目吸引待業青年-洗腦-層壓式推銷-借屍還魂-220951611.html