famous place

2011-10-25 5:23 am
What famous place do you like ????
i like Stanley ~~~
please tell me
i am do a english project..........

回答 (4)

2011-10-25 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
i like the old kai tak airport.
it was build in XXXX, (description).
the airport used to be a landmark of hong kong.
it represented our old hong kong spirit.
the airport reminded us that how we turned hong kong from a small village to an international city.
kai tak airport is not available anymore, but it is definitely an unforgettable memory.
參考: pytor
2011-10-27 1:05 am

The Gold Coast in Tuen Mun: nice restaurants, nice views of the
beach and you can see a lot of yachts.
2011-10-25 8:46 am
Does it have to be in Hong Kong?
2011-10-25 6:03 am
space museum

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