
2011-10-24 12:13 am
1)main business of the company
2)business aims and objectives
3)key functional areas of the company
4)the roles od above functional areas have played in the company

我想了很久都不知應該選擇什麼公司...吾該大家幫幫我 thx

回答 (1)

2011-10-25 1:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
PCCW Limited (PCCW) 1)The holding company of HKT Group Holdings Limited, Hong Kong's premier telecommunications provider and a world-class player in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). 2)Hong Kong's leading telecoms player. In recent years, the Group has made the transition from a traditional telecom operator to a next-generation provider of media content, applications and transactional services. Synonymous with innovation and quality, the Group has successfully built its unique quadruple-play capability and strengthened its leadership of a consumer market ready to embrace new technology and content. Whether they are in the home or on the move, customers are able to enjoy unprecedented convenience made possible by our value-added services. With more than 2.5 million business and residential lines in service, the Group has a leadership position in the fixed-line market in Hong Kong.3)HKT Group Holdings Limited (HKT) was formed in 2008 to hold the telecommunications services, media and IT solutions businesses of the PCCW Group in a reorganization designed to improve the Group's operational efficiencies. As provider of Hong Kong's first quadruple-play experience, PCCW/HKT offers a range of innovative media content and services across four platforms – fixed-line, broadband Internet, TV and mobile. PCCW is also responsible for one of the world's largest commercial deployments of IPTV services under the now TV brand. 4)PCCW/HKT is a key contributor to Hong Kong's drive to become a "Wi-Fi city". More than 9,000 PCCW Wi-Fi hotspots cover various busy locations such as food outlets, shopping malls, universities, and public transport, and the number is growing continuously. After laying enough optical fibers in Hong Kong to circle the planet 33 times, the group have made the broadband capabilities of this technology available to some two-thirds of the territory's households at speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps.The above information is just for your reference.
參考: 變種小魚

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