2011-10-23 9:26 pm
net release of oygen同埋 net intake of carbon dioxide點解?

回答 (2)

2011-10-23 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
netrelease of oxygen:氧的淨放出。
netintake of carbon dioxide:二氧化碳的淨吸入。

Under sunlight, plants undergo photosynthesis and respiration simultaneously, andthe rate of photosynthesis is faster than that of respiration.

Under sunlight, plants thus intake more carbon dioxide and release more oxygenin photosynthesis, while they intake less oxygen and release less carbon dioxide.Therefore, there is net release of oxygen and net intake of carbon dioxide.

For example, consider a plant under sunlight for a certain period. In the period, the plant intakes 44 g of carbondioxide and releases 32 g of oxygen in photosynthesis, while it intakes 8 g andoxygen and releases 11 g of carbon dioxide in respiration.
Net release of oxygen = (32 g) - (8 g) = 24 g
Net intake of carbon dioxide = (44 g) - (11 g) = 33 g
舉例來說,考慮一棵放在陽光下一段時間的植物。在這段時間內,該植物在光合作用中吸入 44g 的二氧化碳和放出 32g 的氧,而它在呼吸作用中吸收 8g 的氧和放出 11g 的二氧化碳。
氧的淨放出 =(32 g) - (8 g) = 24 g
二氧化碳的淨吸入 = (44g) - (11 g) = 33 g
參考: 老爺子
2012-01-09 10:58 am

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