
2011-10-23 2:18 am
1) 呢句點解 ?
There was sand to dig in and water for sailing and sploshing.

2) 一直以為puzzle 解作 「拼圖」,但查字典才知是"jigsaw",甘jigsaw puzzle 是否一定要一齊用?

3) 「你D野成日亂甘擺,之後就係甘揾」,呢句說話英文點寫?


回答 (4)

2011-10-23 1:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 那裡有沙可供堆掘,有水可供划艇和嬉水。(splosh 意思是潑濺,引申於此即是嬉水)

2. jigsaw puzzle是拼圖較正式(formal)和較古舊的叫法,jigsaw的原意為線鋸,而puzzle的原意則是「困惑、難題」等等,合起來的意思就是「被鋸開而成的難題」,也就是拼圖了。但由於拼圖廣泛地流行,現時單講「jigsaw」或「puzzle」都可以代表拼圖,而且都已被收入字典中成為正式解釋了。

3. You leave your stuff chaotic then try hard to dig something out constantly. 直譯為:「你由得自己啲嘢亂糟糟咁,跟住想摷返啲嘢出嚟就不停咁搵。」

2011-10-23 16:38:16 補充:
Thanks F.P.
2011-10-23 11:51 pm
1. 果度有沙比你挖, 仲有水比你出航同撥

2. 唔一定, 可以分開

3. You always leave things everywhere and look for them hurriedly afterwards.
參考: me
2011-10-23 5:55 pm
補充 hak-shing 的答案:
puzzle 有多種, 並非單指拼圖, 例如填字游戲也叫 puzzle (crossword puzzle).
2011-10-23 4:01 am
An explaination:-

(1)Here is the Beach as a sport for swimming,for sailing,for splosh=a discreet splosh as the eel-fisherman cast off.He is moving through water-----a splash.

(2)jigsaw=jig-saw puzzle=picture cut up into many pieces that you try to fit together.

(3) You lay about things lazyily "neat and tidy" ,and cant find everything in the right place.
參考: me

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