Consumer & Capital goods

2011-10-23 1:01 am
In some superstores, promotion counters are set up for customers to try a small amount of food and drinks free of charge.Explain whether the above food and drinks are consumer goods or capital goods to the sellers.Thank you!!Very urgent!!!

回答 (1)

2011-10-25 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
*首先睇睇capital goods 同 consumer goods 既定義:

(1)Capital goods refer to goods used for helping further production.

(2)Consumer goods refer to goods used for direct comsumption.

(1)refrigerator used at home係consumer good, 因為我哋買佢番屋企係為左俾自己睇(direct comsumption)

(2)refrigerator used at fast food shop係capital good, 因為餐廳老闆買佢番黎唔係俾自己睇, 而係用黎服務客人(direct comsumption)


有咩快d既方法分capital同consumers goods???

要睇佢放置既地方: 如題, 即使係同一件物品, 亦可能係唔同地點有唔同分類. 如果係公司, 工廠同學校等produce service既地方, 任何物品都係capital goods. 相反, 如果係屋企, 任何物品都係consumers goods,因為你買佢番黎自用.

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