I am curious. If you are a RN, could you eventually apply to med school if you wanted?

2011-10-21 5:50 pm
Considering all of the extra couses and studies you may have to pick up on, but is it possible? Could you be a nurse working towards being a doctor?

回答 (7)

2011-10-21 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You couldn't work at anything while in med school.A nursing degree wouldn't get you into med school, you would need a science degree.If your goal was to be a doctor then becoming a nurse would be a pointless step.
2011-10-22 1:23 am
My excellent internist was a nurse before she went to medical school. But you can't continue to work as a nurse while you're in med school -- the work load is just too demanding.
2011-10-22 12:53 am
If you had taken the premed classes and the MCAT, yes. But you can't work as a nurse while attending med school.
2011-10-22 1:48 am
Yes, but you may have to take some prerequisite courses (general chemistry, biology, physics, organic chemistry, maybe more) before you take the MCAT and apply.
2011-10-22 12:53 am
yup..definitely...if you wanted you can apply to med school. I have a few friends that are planning to do that. It is hard, so good luck!
2011-10-22 12:59 am
Yes you can. I actually had a friend who got her nursing degree first then after she graduated she completed extra classes you have to take in order to prepare you for medical school. After that she applied to medical school. She worked as a nurse while going to medical school.

If you have any questions about nursing school I found this website registerednursern.com while googling. It has a lot of information for nursing students.

Good luck!
2011-10-22 12:50 am
of course

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