唔識作文 (ENG)!!!!!!HELP

2011-10-22 4:01 am
題目係:My favourite festival

回答 (3)

2011-10-22 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
-----My favourite festival 130 words------------
My favourite festival is the mid-autumn festival.It is an occasion when there are performances of plays,pieces of music on Chinese Channels on TV,Radio shows etc.
Its a special occasion when people HK celebrate the Chinese fairy tales of the Goddess Event,And there is often the public holidays for 3 days.Being one of the main festivals in the Chinese Calender,I p5 student,celebrated it with my family.
We had had mid-autumn festival dinner in a Chinese Restaurant where my father was the boss-in-charge. We had moon-cakes and varies fruits free of charge.
My father then drove us to the Victoria Park famous for the festival.I looked at the moon which was the round object I could see shinning in the sky at midnight 2am,and that it moved around me. Being non-crescent moon,I could see the Chi Goddess over above showing her life ,any moon ago,it seemed.
Burning the waxing wax for a fired up game,we ran away!

2011-10-21 20:57:42 補充:
Forget Joh and Mee Mee!
參考: me
2011-10-22 4:55 am
First, you have to decide on a festival.

Look at the calendar and decide on a festival that you know enough English to talk about.

If you really have no idea, you can google 'Chinese festivals' and do some research.
As the word requirement is only around 130, you can concentrate on the 'what': the name/ meaning of the festival, what do people do to celebrate... , 'when': what time of year, what season etc, and how you feel about the festival.

Make sure to add adjectives and connectives and have paragraphs!

It is quite an easy topic. You can do it yourself. Good luck!
2011-10-22 4:22 am
Let me give you some points

Mid-Autumn Festival
- eat moon cakes and star fruit
- have dinner with family
- eat tang yuen
- appreciate the full moon
- play lanterns with friends and cousins
- a wide variety of moon cakes apart from traditional ones
- my favourite flavour of moon cakes is chocolate ice-cream
- many different kinds of lanterns for us to choose from, e.g. shape of cartoon characters
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:20:15
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