Famliy members+maths one word

2011-10-22 3:43 am
請列出所有Famliy member's name.
1.My mother's brother's wife's sister
2.My mother's brother's wife's sister' son or daughter
And, what the meaning of 'two-thirds' in Maths?全題如下:
Subtract 4 from m and then add 2 to two-thirds of the result.

回答 (2)

2011-10-23 4:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all those you mention below are not your family member. Then I don't know the name of those persons. Name of a person mean the specific name that given to that person usually when new born. Like: Peter, Mary, Paul, 國強 etc. So I guess that you are asking for the called of those relations.

1. No specific called (even in Chinese), we usually called Aunt or Auntie for that kind of relations. (in Chinese is 阿姨)

2. distant cousin. (in Chinese is 疏唐表哥/弟/姊/妹)

3. What "other"?

4. two-thirds means two over three (2/3) in Chinese is 三份之二, so the equation of your question is : 2/3(m-4)+2=
2011-10-22 4:46 am
For 1 and 2, are you asking for English answers?
In English, if a person is not blood-related, there is not a family/ relative term for that person. But out of politeness, children will be taught to call 1. Aunt + her name e.g. Aunt Mary
2. no term in English

Maybe you are to answer the question truthfully if you have such 'family-related people'?

I don't understand Q.3. 'other' has a few meanings as adjective, pronounn, oun and adverb, e.g. adj.1. 另外的,其他的2. [the other](二者中)另一个的;其余的3. 别的,不同的 pron.1. [常用复数]其他的人(或东西),别的人(或东西);另外的人(或东西)2. 不同的人(或东西);再一个人(或东西)3. [the other] (二者中的)另一个人(或东西)You can go to an online English-Chinese dictionary e.g. http://cdict.net/q/Oxford

4. two-thirds = 三分之二
Subtract 4 from m and then add 2 to two-thirds of the result

(m-4)X 2/3 + 2

(just trying to help you when I have the time!/因為我有時間,只是想幫下你! )
You can use http://translate.google.com/#
參考: online dictionary

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