急!!! 3萬美金=幾多錢HKD?

2011-10-22 1:13 am

回答 (2)

2011-10-24 10:56 pm
1。基於對官方掛鉤匯率:USD $ 30,000 = $ 234,000 ,你會得到比基於目前的速度減少。2 。這取決於收款銀行。很多人沒有意識到,電匯,而不是轉讓銀行和收款銀行將收取一定的服務費,錢經過任何中間銀行也將評估費,所以你必須找到最直接的線。舉例來說,如果收款銀行是花旗銀行,然後使用花旗銀行將便宜的(如將是最直接的路線)。
2011-10-22 7:05 pm
1. Based on the official linked exchange rate:


You will get less than that based on the current rate.

2. It depends on the receiving bank. A lot of people do not realize that, for wire transfer, instead of the transferring bank and receiving bank will charge a service fee, any intermediate banks that the money go through will also assess a fee.

So you will have to find the most direct way to wire.

For instance, if the receiving bank is Citibank, then using the Citibank will be the cheaper (as the route will be most direct).

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:19:38
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