
2011-10-21 11:41 pm
本人的綠咭將於一個月內便到到期, 慾急要回港, 但回程時綠咭便會過期了, 現在也趕不及辦理綠咭的續期, (因我問了移民局最快也要數星期), 現想請教:

1)辦理綠咭續期可在香港做嗎?如可以, 一般須時多久?

2)假如綠咭過期, 回程時美國會讓我入境嗎?


回答 (4)

2011-10-24 10:57 pm
2011-10-22 6:54 pm
1. Absolutely no.

2. They will eventually allow you to enter, if you make it to the U.S.

Remember the airline can in fact deny you boarding based on the fact that you don't have a valid identification document.

Even if you make it, you will be subject to fine.

In your case, the best way is to cancel your trip.

Doing other thing may impact your future admission (even you are a lawful permanent resident that they have to let you in, but they can impose "routine" secondary screening for you).
2011-10-22 12:19 pm

我建議你,現在馬上去uscis.gov 更新你張綠卡.
File My Application Online (e-Filing)
填寫 I-90 表格..

Schedule a FREE Appointment Remember to keep your PIN


2011-10-22 7:54 am
This website answers your question:

Since it is US consulate website, the answer should be official. You can return with an expired GC if you left US for less than 1 year.

If you left US for over 1 year, it is equal to you give up your Green Card anyway. If you have some ER things to take care, you may want to apply after you return to US.

I think the US embassy website mentioned about if they do GC renewal... You can checkout the information there.

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