
2011-10-21 3:13 am

好多謝你的幫忙提供額外減價給我們, 但由於價錢還是太高, 好抱歉可能今次未能做成這次生意. 希望下次還有機會合作成功!


回答 (3)

2011-10-21 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here is the translation into written English:

We are grateful for your offer of a further discount. However, the price is still too high. We regret to say that we may not be able to close the deal this time. We hope that we will have another chance to have business with you.

2011-10-20 19:41:03 補充:
close the deal = 達成交易/做成這次生意

2011-10-20 19:43:48 補充:
No offence. Please not: In English we say that the price is too high or too low,
but not too expensive or cheap (Chinglish).

2011-10-22 20:55:31 補充:
correction: please 'note'
2011-10-21 3:34 am
We are glad that you had offered an additional discount to us. However, theprice is too expensive for us to afford. We are sorry that the deal maypossibly not be transacted this time. We hope that we will can corporate witheach other next time.

2011-10-20 19:35:25 補充:
唔記得加埋個THANK YOU!
2011-10-21 3:20 am
Thank you for your good help to us to provide additional reduction, but the price is too high, well sorry to be unable to make the business of this hope have a chance next successful cooperation!

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