
2011-10-19 5:27 pm

回答 (8)

2011-10-19 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案


I will respond no more.
= I won't respond anymore.
= I won't respond any longer.

I will reply no more.
= I won't reply anymore.
= I own't reply any longer.

I won't make a reply/response anymore.
I won't make any more reply/response.

I won't respond further.
I won't reply further.

I will no longer respond to you.
I will no longer reply to you.
上面所有句仔歐可加上受詞, 從略.

2011-10-19 13:35:36 補充:
上面所有句子都可加上受詞, 從略.

2011-10-23 19:30:48 補充:
雙方對談, 以對方為受詞為共知時, 受詞不是必需.
參考: *Infinito - 無極*
2011-10-22 1:11 am
I will not respond (to you) any longer.
2011-10-20 2:19 am
I won't reply you anymore. 我再也不會回覆你
參考: 紐西蘭三年
2011-10-20 1:25 am
I will not answer
2011-10-20 12:08 am


End of the talk.

但請挑場合和對象用,正式或禮貌點的 我覺得樓上的答案很棒
參考: self
2011-10-19 6:25 pm
No longer to reply or No more comments
2011-10-19 5:58 pm
I will no longer respond to you (or to it)!

I think, it is better to indicate what or whom you will not response to.

2011-10-19 10:02:13 補充:
even though the Chinese statement doesn't indicate anything. However, in a normal conversation, there will be an indication what or whom you will not (or no longer) respond to.
Therefore, it is better you shall have a more complete statement, so people can answer it better.
參考: self
2011-10-19 5:31 pm
I am not going to respond

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