
2011-10-19 3:42 am

I believe I am possessed of the ability and interest of studying business studies.

Since S.4,a passion for business studies has grown in me .In economic lesson,the knowledges that we have learnt has a basic relation for our future life in many aspects .I remember when I learned opportunity cost in the first lesson,opportunity cost is the cost expressed in the terms of the highest-valued option forgone, economic knowledge deep has deeply attracted me because economic knowledge is very life-oriented .Of example,everyone do all things have the opportunity cost .Some time,I will read economy extra curricular books,of example book for about management and Poor Dad,Rich Dad,I think I read these books can be understand More economic knowledge.

I have got the ability to study business studies in my university .Throughout my secondary school years , I have strive to learn economic and look out economic news in everyday .Of example , financial crisis is affect to every country in The Planet ,so everyone need to follow closely the financial crisis .Hong Kong is one of the world's leading international financial centres .Hong Kong is a success is based on Hong Kong have many professional financial talents , so I determined to join the financial industry to services for Hong Kong .

If I have the honour to be admitted , I have great expectation to my life in studying here .I know i am not a very clever Student , Even i studying in a university and studying in business studies of the chance of success is slim . if I succeed in studying in business studies ,I will treasure opportunity and I will study harder .

回答 (3)

2011-10-20 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
I believe I am capable of pursuing my study on Business Studies, which I am interested in.

I have had a passion for Business Studies since I was in S.4. The knowledge that we have learnt in Economic lesson has a basic relation with our future life in many aspects. I remember learning opportunity cost in the first lesson. Opportunity cost is the cost expressed in the terms of the highest-valued option forgone. Economics has deeply attracted me because its related knowledge is very life-oriented. For example, everything we do has an opportunity cost. I will sometimes read the reference books on economics, for example books about management and "Poor Dad, Rich Dad". I think reading these books can make me understand more knowledge of economics.

I have got the ability of studying Business Studies in my university. Throughout my secondary school years, I have striven to learn economics and looked out for economic news every day. For example, financial crisis is affecting every country in the planet, so everyone needs to follow closely the financial crisis. Hong Kong is one of the world's leading international financial centres. Hong Kong is a success because Hong Kong has many professional financial talents, so I determine to join the financial industry serving for Hong Kong.

If I have the honour to be admitted, I will have great expectation to my life in studying here. I know I am not a very clever student. Although the chance can be slim, I will treasure this opportunity anyway, and I will certainly study harder if I succeed in studying in Business Studies.
2011-10-28 5:55 pm
Since studied in the fourth year in the seconday school , I have had the interests in business especially studying in economics and I thought that might be something directly related to my future study and career. Then I remembered what had learned in the beginning in school about the term of opportunity cost in economics. As far as I knew that opportunity cost is expressed in terms of the highest-valued option forgone,and also the economic knowledge has been deeply attracted me because that is very life-oriented. For example, everyone doing all things has the opportunity cost. As a matter of fact , I used to read the economics' extra curricular books for example the book about management and Poor Dad , Rich Dad . For I thought that these books can broaden my economic knowledge to some extent.
If I were able to study the course of business in the university that I might make use of my time to observe and classify the economic crisis closely. Because that has been affecting the World economy to a great extent. In addition, Hong Kong is one of the world's leading international financial centres and has possessed many financial professional experts. Therefore, I wish that if I could devote myself to that kind of carrer and to serve Hong Kong as well.
Finally, if I was admitted to the Department of economics of the university, then I would try my best to study and follow the teaching by the professors concerned. Moreover I will study harder in order to complete all the requirement courses prior to the graduation then I will engage into the business in Hong Kong.
2011-10-19 10:45 pm
I am very interestedin the subject Business Studies and believe I am capable of studying thesubject.

I have a passion in business since secondary 4..During economic lessons, wehave learnt about the basics of business which builds a very good foundation. Istill remember the very first theory that I learnt – opportunity cost. It helpsme making decisions in the real life. I found it very interesting to learntheories which I am able to use in daily lives. I love reading bookson economics like Poor Dad, Rich Dad, which impresses me with all the economicstheories and phenomenon.
I believe I will be able to study the subject well in the university as I havevery strong interest in business and have a solid foundation of the basics. Throughoutmy secondary school years, I paid much attention to the financial news andstudied hard on the subject. I know that every single piece of financial isaffecting the whole world therefore I am very interested in every informationthat I got. . I would like to join the financial industry when I start buildingup my career in the future, with me being born in the city with world’s leadingreputation in the financial industry. I would very much like to work with allthe financial talents out here after my study.
If I get an offer from the subject, I will surely try my best on every opportunitythat I have and study hard. I hope I will have an enjoyable and memorableuniversity life with you, as well as equip myself in the university and preparefor my future career.

2011-10-19 14:46:15 補充:
最好講多D你咁解中意呢個SUBJECT, 同埋唔好講唔夠能力(最後一段), 因為如果你自己都覺得自己唔好, 點解佢要收你?

2011-10-19 14:46:29 補充:

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