...hope...will 句子例題

2011-10-19 1:35 am
e.g.I hope I will get good mark in my exem.

回答 (2)

2011-10-19 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
i hope i will have a good holiday in the summer
i hope i will travel to Canada when i got good grade in the exam
she hopes her mother will buy a computer.
he hopes his father will buy a piano to him.

i hope you will enjoy the homework next time~~
2011-10-19 2:04 am
1. I hope I will get good marks in my exam.
2. I hope Janice will perform well in the school play.
3. I hope I will be a better leader in the school club.
4. I hope the bus will go faster.
5. We hope John will have a party for all his friends.
6. I hope I will make more friends this year.
7. He hopes he will run faster in the next race.
8. We hope the Swimming Gala/ Sports Day will be fun.
9. The Wongs hope they will move to a larger flat next year.
10. I hope these sentences will be useful to you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:19:17
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