Since self-confessed Atheists don't believe in religion or spirituality?

2011-10-18 1:30 am
Why can't you find your own forum instead of hanging around like a flock of vultures to criticize and scoff at those who do?

回答 (35)

2011-10-18 1:36 am
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I'd like everyone to join me in celebrating the 100,000th time that this question has been asked.

Honestly, I can see why you're agitated about having atheists in the forum. If everyone were simply arguing about whose invisible sky-fairy was the real one, everyone would be on pretty much equal footing: no evidence, no valid arguments. Unfortunately, we atheists have to come in and muck everything up by using logic and reason. Not exactly a fair fight, is it?
2011-10-18 1:31 am
It's not your forum.
Get off your high horse.

Stop threatening your children with hell and I might be able to leave you alone.
2011-10-18 1:31 am
Its fun.
2011-10-18 1:32 am
i agree
2011-10-18 1:32 am
Like any cynic, they know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
2011-10-18 1:32 am
since when is it your forum? We can post here all we like, get used to it.
2011-10-18 1:32 am
Because atheism is a viewpoint on religion

this is an open forum

im bored

and some christians can't keep their religion out of politics
2011-10-18 1:33 am
2011-10-18 1:32 am
Because of questions with 'atheists' in the title?
2011-10-18 1:32 am
2011-10-18 1:33 am
I am deeply religious/spiritual and I think they have a right to have a say. What about freedom of speech? Hmmmm!!!!
2011-10-18 1:33 am
If atheists weren't here, who would answer questions like yours?
2011-10-18 1:33 am
Maybe you should ask all those other theists who post countless questions saying "ATHEISTS: y u do this?" or "ATHEISTS: y u no believe?"

Its hard to stay away when others keep demanding your answers.
2011-10-18 1:33 am
Because you need clarification
2011-10-18 1:31 am
I'm a penis sniffer.
2011-10-18 1:36 am
If there was an "Atheists Only" forum, we'd just sit around, messaging each other about how right we are, and how wrong everybody else is. Where's the fun in THAT?

But, over here, the believers in several different religions each inform us, with varying amounts of politeness or hatred, that we are wrong, and that their religion is the ONLY right way to think.

The extra fun is watching them inform each other, with varying amounts of politeness or hatred, that EVERY way of religious thinking, other than their OWN, is also wrong.
參考: Right here on Y!A
2011-10-18 1:35 am
This is an open forum, and freedom of religion includes freedom from religion.

Since people are always trying to shove their religions/gods down our throats, it's only fair that we are able to air our own views.

Do you believe in freedom of religion and speech, or just freedom to promote your own beliefs?
2011-10-18 1:34 am
They believe in discussing both of those topics in an open FORUM
2011-10-18 1:34 am
I don't criticize or scoff at anyone. Why do you think that I do?
2011-10-18 1:34 am
Because we have things to say on the subject as well and this is the only appropriate forum. So why don't you come off of you high horse and join us in the real world.
2011-10-18 1:33 am
Atheists are a certain part of religion. I.e. They do not have one.

They have as much right to write in the "Religion and Spirituality" as everybody else
2011-10-18 1:33 am
As Christians we have freedom and we have choice, you do not have to focus on what is contrary and what people say that is snide and ignorant, you can ignore it and go on to the next question. If you be grounded and see the need for correction, do it, Jesus did without hesitation He nipped nonsense in the bud, so if you are letting this bother you about the forum, you will lose your focus and forget your purpose here.

Focus on helping those who want it. Let the spiritually dead bury the spiritually dead if they will not turn an ear to the word of God. All you can do is pray and plant seeds, God does the harvesting.

As americans, they have the right to be here and the constitutional right of freedom of speech, so don't attack them for talking, they can do that, you don't have to cling to it or listen.
2011-10-18 1:33 am
Is there a rule that says you can't be in a forum if you don't believe what it's about?

Uh oh, better go tell that to the straight people in the LGBT forum who are always telling us there what horrible sinners we are that that we choose to be gay.
2011-10-18 1:36 am
Where does it state this forum is only for spiritual/ religious people? It doesn't. It's a forum for discussion of religion and spirituality.
2011-10-18 1:35 am
At least we don't go door to door and hand out pamphlets....yet!
2011-10-18 1:34 am
You have to believe in everything you discuss? I guess I can't discuss Nazism anymore......
2011-10-18 1:37 am
since god isnt real, why dont you leave him out of politics
2011-10-18 1:35 am
You don't get it, do you? This section is not like the others on Y! Answers. The purpose of this section is not to encourage logical debate and a friendly exchange of ideas. The purpose of this section is to give the atheists and their kind a place to unload all their hatred and insecurity on the rest of us (well, those of us stupid or bored enough to hang out here.) If you want a serious answer to your religious questions, you have to either hope that another one of us is available to answer it, or find somewhere else to ask.
2011-10-18 1:35 am

Atheism is only a stance on the existence of gods...

Not religion nor spirituality...

Why is this so hard for people to understand... it's not like it's rocket science...

there are both religious and spiritual atheists...

If you are unable to understand this, it's a good thing we are here... to assist you with your knowledge..

IMHO *Drink*
2011-10-18 1:55 am
1) Freedom of Speech, bay-bee.
2) We do believe that religion exists; That's the problem that we are working to correct.
3) If you can't take the heat of your delusions being called out as delusions, then it is YOU who needs to leave. No one owes you and your kind any unearned respect.
2011-10-18 1:40 am

...Just take your religion out of our government, our Pledge of Allegiance (nope, he's not supposed to be there:, our schools (, you know... start following the Constitution: (
2011-10-18 1:38 am
god told me to.
2011-10-18 1:37 am
It is a free country, let others believe what they want. But you have to tolerate them, you don't have to like it you just have to put up with it. Atheists are not that much different, than other people, they just don't believe in a higher power, they aren't bad people because of it.
2011-10-18 1:48 am
Allow me to give you a few reasons:

Genital mutilations, ritual stonings, witch burnings, covering up sexual exploitation of children, persecution of gays, holy wars, opposition to condom use for AIDS prevention, fatwas, fear of healthy sexual activity between consenting adults, money-grubbing 'faith healing' charletans and televangelists, animal sacrifices, subjugation of women, showing up at soldier's funerals holding signs saying "Thank God for Dead Soldiers", parents letting their children DIE because they'd rather pray than take them to a doctor, people flying airplanes into buildings full of people or blowing themselves up in public places, people rioting and killing people after being depicted in a cartoon, sectarian strife, torturing and killing children in Africa for 'witchcraft', whipping teenage girls to death for the crime of being raped...and the list goes ON and ON and ON.
And this isn't even INCLUDING having to live with theists consistently trying to force their religious beliefs into our laws, schools, and government, and theists having a LONG history of stifling and hindering scientific and medical research and advancement.

Yes, all these things are happening in the world RIGHT NOW, and it's ALL done by theists on behalf of their religious beliefs. And because this complete and utter insanity is still THRIVING in the world today because of People's religious beliefs, we are going to talk about it, and we're going to call out the religious for the things they claim to believe.
2016-10-21 3:09 pm
confident, it quite is a shallow and stupid question. As an open communicate board, what one in my view believes isn't a valid reason for expulsion. Many are atheists simply by lies taught them by religion and that they got here across it out. additionally, there are much extra hateful and merciless so-stated as christians on R&S than there are atheists. So do no longer pass away atheists, you are able to ask some deep questions and that i promise you maximum of what you be attentive to approximately faith has no longer something to do with the Bible. i could somewhat communicate over with a rational atheist than an conceited and ignorant individual calling themselves christian any day.

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