Do you think this came from a Scorpio?

2011-10-16 10:57 pm
Im just curious, do you think the saying "to know me is to love me" came from a Scorpio? It just fits perfectly with us!

回答 (4)

2011-10-16 11:47 pm
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I do. Because it fits we powerful Scorpios exactly.
2011-10-17 12:04 am
lol... not sure about it but gosh it described scorpio a lot!

yeah yeah, i agree with this statement

scorpio girl
2011-10-16 11:07 pm
Overall maybe, but I think "know" should be "accept". I've never met a Scorpio that let anybody truly know them.
2011-10-16 11:08 pm
First time I heard this was off of a Madonna song, who was a Virgo. Very Virgo. But I like it as well. This appeals to the area where Scorpio and Virgo share.
參考: Cap Sun, Scorp Moon, Virgo Rising

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