被洋人敷衍時,請翻譯廣東話 "你咪喺度敷衍我!" 為英文口語,好讓我唔好被洋人低估~ (5 points)
同埋,如果係你被洋人好歧視咁串你(串咩野唔重要,但我有例子:A black woman told somebody else, and I heard she say, "Never let Chinese be leader."),你會講咩野嚟串返佢。 越多應付洋人敷衍講嘅英文口語回應嘅建議越好。 (5 points)
If they laugh after I 串 them or say anything to them, what can I say to let them know they should stop laughing at me (except "Shut up!")? (5 points)BTW, what is the English translation of 串? (5 points)