對洋人講"你咪喺度敷衍我!" 嘅英文口語係________?

2011-10-16 8:07 pm
被洋人敷衍時,請翻譯廣東話 "你咪喺度敷衍我!" 為英文口語,好讓我唔好被洋人低估~ (5 points)

同埋,如果係你被洋人好歧視咁串你(串咩野唔重要,但我有例子:A black woman told somebody else, and I heard she say, "Never let Chinese be leader."),你會講咩野嚟串返佢。 越多應付洋人敷衍講嘅英文口語回應嘅建議越好。 (5 points)

If they laugh after I 串 them or say anything to them, what can I say to let them know they should stop laughing at me (except "Shut up!")? (5 points)BTW, what is the English translation of 串? (5 points)

回答 (2)

2011-10-16 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1)Dont make jokes on me!
Dont respond like that!/or reply like that.
(2)Can you clean her mouth for me?
Can a Whiteman tell the same thing?
No,Chinese are the leading figure in politics.
No,but Chinese are dominant over the world.
(3)Manners! Manners!
Behave yourself!
Try to behave well in front of a Chinese.
Hush! Hush!
In spite of the fact that the White refused to handle you Chinese on any other than a friendly talk basis, you have to accept unless a leader.

2011-10-21 19:21:56 補充:
(1)Dont let Westerners discriminate&insult Chinese.Perfunctory manner causes offence
(2)Racism is a crime.Let Chinese be leaderWesterner go westwards!
(3)Thought all those threats on leadership were bluff!
參考: me, me
2011-10-18 1:51 pm
Please take my words seriously.
Would you have some respect for both of us?
Now, stop this bad attitude.
It's a shame that you are disregarding yourself with such a foolish, perfunctory manner.

My expressions are more English as I am nurtured in England. If you want them any blunter I am afraid I have none. It is a disgrace to yourself if you let out those ugly words and be like those racist people as well. Know what's right and wrong, not just to defend for your false pride is one of the basics before taking up a leadership

2. In most of the cases, if you tell them to stop being racist, and that they are upsetting you they will stop immediately since racism is a serious crime in the west. Referring to your given example, if you really cannot take it even though she doesn't say it in your face, you may ask her why she says so. If it is based on her unpleasant experience with another Chinese, you should aplogize for her misfortune (saying sorry in the western world has lots of meaning, including just to be polite) but never lower your position for your inferior English. You should tell her it will be unjust and even reckless of her if she judges a quarter of the world population on one experience. Within those 1.3 billion people so many gifted and talented exist.

3. It will be far too arrogant of you to say one day the Chinese are going to rule the world. Even in Hong Kong, you know well that people are going to despise you for using such a superior yet mistaken attitude. You know what you say is not true anyway, so why bluff it just to have the last say on the surface but lose your dignity and show your foolishness to the others in the deep?

'Shut up', despite being rude, it also shows you can't think of nothing else to say to defend for yourself.

The best thing you can do is just to ignore their stupidity. Just remember don't get in touch with them in the future because they don't deserve your time and attention. If you are in a school then tell your teachers,

2011-10-18 05:55:03 補充:
My answer is over the word limit in here, so the rest will be posted on the feedback section.
even your parents so they will write a complaint to the headmaster. Yet if you say something back then clearly the others are going to say something worse and more irritable to you in return. What are you

2011-10-18 05:58:06 補充:
going to do next? Carry on saying offensive words to them until you can think of nothing more whereas them, the native speakers keep humiliating you? Or you will just turn it into an ugly physical fight? Starting off a fight in a foreign country, who's going to win?

2011-10-18 05:58:43 補充:
This is obvious, isn't it?
ut one thing to be noted is that, some people for example if you study in America or in England, your classmates, may not mean to upset your so badly by making racial jokes. They only mean to socialize and make a laugh out of it,

2011-10-18 05:59:01 補充:
as I have encountered so many times before. One example is that, one of my black classmates he joked about his Indian friend who was born and raised in England but is still eligible in Indian. He said 'Kavi is going to be kicked out of the school.'

2011-10-18 05:59:24 補充:
Kavi asked 'Why?', just as everyone in the classroom haven't got a clue. He replied 'because Kavi's dad has run out of supply of curry to the school kitchen and is getting fired.' Of course this was just a joke and everyone laughed. In spite of telling the black

2011-10-18 05:59:37 補充:
to shut up, Kavi didn't get angry over it, because he knew he didn't mean to upset him, and because they are good friends as well.
There is no point of drawing all sorts of comparisons and different examples of successful leaders into an argument that should have taken no place.

2011-10-19 04:17:14 補充:
My expressions are more English-like, so these are best to use in formal occasions or to show how serious the situation is. They are not to insult the others badly, so it doesn't matter if you say it to Americans, English, Australian, and so and so, as long as the conditions are right.

2011-10-19 04:17:34 補充:
1. Hopefully you will find my answer in the following words.
2. I may have used a less succinct word, but what I meant was, to be honest with yourself, do you think you speak better English than other native speakers? Just as foreigners are worse at Chinese than us. Hope you'll understand.

2011-10-19 04:18:17 補充:
3. I didn't say you told the others to shut up. I was just making a point across you, suggesting what 'shut up' implies to most people in English. How am I sensitive in this way? What does the word 'sensitive' mean to you then?

Perhaps you are right: no one could ever fully

2011-10-19 04:18:55 補充:
understand the unknown person on the other end of the internet. What Toming88 (I believe) and I are trying to do here is only to provide advice to you in order to help. Everything I said in the answer comes from my heart. For sure someone is going to feel bad and humiliated if he/she gets insulted.

2011-10-19 04:19:39 補充:
This feeling usually doesn't come from your love for your nation, but to protect your own dignity. This is simply philosophic egoism. WIll you be angry over when a German person in nowadays gets called 'Heil Hitler!' by other races? You probably won't.

2011-10-19 04:20:44 補充:
What's right, and what's wrong doesn't bother you that much in this case, does it? What else can other races do about our nickname-callings e.g. 阿叉, 鬼佬, 鬼婆? Do they put up an argument everytime they hear that as you may want, or even a fight for that? Sadly, although in public mosts

2011-10-19 04:21:16 補充:
disapprove of racial discriminations, but in reality everyone knows it still exists in the world in which everyday we live. What we can do is just to do the best of ourselves, as I have mentioned a couple of times. To refer to a traditional Chinese saying, people own their mouths; no one but

2011-10-19 04:21:27 補充:
themselves have control over what comes out of there. Show some delicacy as a proud Chinese, not juvenile vulgarness.
參考: Just my opinion

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