
2011-10-16 9:30 am
係英文小組討論入面,有咩字/句跟 I agree with you 差意思差不多??

另外, 有什麼字句跟"in my opinion, I think...." 有差不多的意思??


回答 (1)

2011-10-16 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I agree with you on sth. // I cannot agree with you more on sth. // You are quite right in saying sth. // I think what you are saying is true. // Your points are reasonable. // I think in the same way as you. // I understand your points and they are true.
In my opinion, // I think that // In my view, // From my point of view, // Personally, // According to my experience, // My experience tells me that // It is obvious that // It is crystal-clear that
參考: iLang

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