
2011-10-16 8:37 am

1.Most of the dissolved substance are salts.

2.Distllation involves boiling of solution followed by condensation of vapour formed .



回答 (3)

2011-10-18 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實verb+ed係形容詞,然而is verb+ed係一個格式用來確認係被動句.兩者沒有予盾.



1.Most of the dissolved substance are salts.2.Distllation involves boiling of solution followed by condensation of vapour formed .綠色的字 為什麼加-ed ?>>它們都係形容詞.
試看看>> the girl is beautiful(形容詞).就如the substance is dissolved(形容詞).
當然可以寫成 a beautiful girl & dissolved substance.如果是passive,為何沒有is,are??? 省略了而已,因為英文句子不可以多過一個動詞.試看看>>Distllation involves boiling of solution_ are_followed by condensation of vapour_is_ formed .
這麼句子便有很多動詞. 根本很亂. 可能睇起上來仲難明. 因此一個句子只有一個動詞.
2011-10-16 9:13 am
Most of the dissolved substances are salts. OR
Most of the substances (which can be) dissolved are salts.
Distillation involves boiling of solution (which is) followed by the condensation of the vapour (which is) formed.

According to grammar rules, the words in bracket are optional.

參考: iLang
2011-10-16 9:05 am
they are correct.
the verbs are not passive; they are adjectives simplified from phrases - to describe the state of the nouns that follow the verbs
e.g. substance that is dissolved = dissolved substance
vapour that is formed = vapour formed
for "followed by", it is a common phrase. when you want to say the sequence of events goes like this: A --> B. you say: A followed by B. it means A is followed by B (but the "is" is omitted here)
參考: me

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