what is the thinking of this dog?

2011-10-16 7:16 am
i have two dog a toy poodle and king cavalier

Toy POODle is very well behaved, whenever i tell her to come, she will come right away. But the the king cavalier, when i tell her to come, she never come. BUT when i tell my toy poodle to come, when the king cavalier see the toy poodle coming to me the king cavalier come to me right away. Alot of time she will come behind the poodle and just like push her away and come to me

what is the matter of this dog and i don really like this behavior

回答 (3)

2011-10-16 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dogz have a universal way of thinking.
2011-10-16 2:24 pm
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has not been trained in the come command very well, if at all. Dogs don't automatically know what your words mean.

When the CKCS sees the Toy Poodle running to you, she thinks there may be a toy or a treat and she wants some, too, so she pushes eagerly towards you, hoping to get something. Also, when you get two dogs of the same sex, or just any two dogs, very often there is a bit of competition between the two for your love, attention, petting and the position of top dog in the natural pecking order.

If you go to YouTube and watch the Kikopup video on teaching dogs to come when called, you could spend time with just the CKCS, teaching her what come means. Then both dogs would be obedient.

At some point, you are going to have to decide which dog is higher up in the pecking order and give all good things to that dog, first, always, or you will have fights.
2011-10-16 2:23 pm
Its a dominance thing
If you have two dogs more then likely they will be vying for your attention
Pushing the other out of the way is normal, attention seeking behaviour, nothing to get in a twist about.
And about the calling, your dog is probably just stubborn.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:19:04
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