Asus U45jc or MacBook (air/pro)?

2011-10-16 4:17 am
Which one is better? Any recommendations of laptop around this price range?

回答 (2)

2011-10-16 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I recommend Macbook Pro. It has everything you need in your pc unlike air.Air is cheap but Macbook Pro definitely worth your money. There are good things about both machines in terms of specification. Both are known to have a faster processor,long lasting battery,higher resolution but Air lacks optical media i.e. no built in CD/DVD drive. Where as, Macbook Pro has awesome video quality,video editing and many other extra features. No other machine can give you the ultra sophistication than a Macbook Pro.

Here's the link I found for you:

Also, read the review to make up your choice:

Hope this helps.
2011-10-16 11:22 am
The MacBook Pro is the best!......But they are really expensive. The Asus is way cheaper, but it's which ever one you can afford. And if you can get the MacBook get it! :D Look it up on here- Http:// and then you will figure it out.:)
參考: I wish I had one... :( lol

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