1.My last check was paid to the CC company in June of 2006 and although the statuette of limitations here in Pa. is 4 years, I was sent (after the Subpoena and after I requested a copy of the last check) a document called a Civil Docket Report which was dated Sept. 2008 (Entry date,Sept.22) which states that an Arbitration Meeting was requested at this time and since I did not show up, they have won by default.
They want me to bring proof of all my assets to the Subpoena.
Do I need to be concerned about the "Civil Docket Report" that I never recall receiving?
Unlike the Subpoena document, the LVNV papers do not have a Judge's signature or Court Stamp.on them.
Must I give up my assets due to a "default" that I was unaware of?
2.My only income are my SSDI checks that just began this month (Oct.). I've read that this cannot be garnished, however I am also expecting a large check soon from SSD for past months/years for which I was due.
Can they garnish this?
3. Can they garnish my Federal Income Tax return if there is any?
4. I own half of my house.
The other half belongs to my roommates Estate since he died in Nov. of 2006.
Can they still put a lien on my half of the house?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!