can 和 could

2011-10-15 10:35 pm
聽講 could 和 can 意思一樣 , 但在文法上could比較有禮貌

但 could 係 can 既過去式

咁如果我想在現在式用 "可以" 黎問問題 , 又想有禮貌

咁可不可以用 could , 不用 can

回答 (4)

2011-10-16 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
聽講 could 和 can 意思一樣 , 但在文法上could比較有禮貌


但 could 係 can 既過去式
咁如果我想在現在式用 "可以" 黎問問題 , 又想有禮貌 (應該係比較婉轉)

咁可不可以用 could , 不用 can

can的過去式She could play the violin when she was five. 她五歲時便能拉小提琴了。(用於假設語氣, 表示與事實相反的設想)能, 可以I wish I could go to France. 但願我能去法國。I would go if I could. 能去我就去。(表示可能性)可能That could be my train. 那可能是我要乘的火車。(用於婉轉語氣)能, 可以Could I smoke here? 我可以在這裡抽煙嗎?Couldn't you try it again? 你可否再試一下?
參考: me & yahoo dictionary
2011-10-16 7:36 am
If you use 'could' for asking someone to do something, it is understood that it is in present tense although 'could' is the past tense form of 'can'.
2011-10-15 10:53 pm
你話用現在式用 "可以" 黎問問題,就要用can.

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