What can I expect from my first session of counselling?

2011-10-14 8:51 pm
I'm going for therapy and not really sure what to expect..

回答 (2)

2011-10-14 8:53 pm
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Just be yourself, I'm going myself, I've seen quite a few different doctors but relax and take it slow.
2011-10-15 4:21 am
Well for one you don't need to worry about diving into your history right away... Just start with today & what is on your mind bothering you today & this week... No need to overwhelm the situation by spilling your guts about your entire life in one session! Not to mention to do so might send your therapist running for the door! Lol no but seriously those concerns may come up at a later date once you've built a relationship of trust with this therapist you're most comfortable with. Not every counsellor is an automatic fit for every person so sometimes you have to try a few times to get the right one for yourself. So just be yourself. Tell the therapist about who you are and how you handle the aspects of daily life. If they don't understand you find someone who does... They may need to ask you questions to get a better understanding of your situation too!
參考: Life is a dance we learn as we go... Best of luck in your endeavors! I've been in therapy for many many years now. It's Well worth it!

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:54:22
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