Christians: If aliens were discovered, would that damage your faith?

2011-10-14 7:34 pm
Put aside the fact that Aliens are a basely silly concept, just for a moment. And for the sake of argument, assume that they do, in fact, exist.

Everything in the Bible, old and new testaments, seems to indicate that humans are God's special little creation, created in his image to have dominion over the world. If contact were made with sentient alien life, how would that affect your beliefs?

Would you decide that the narrow scope of your religion indicates it's falsehood as a matter of principle? Would you assume that these aliens are, in fact, demons sent to test your faith? Would you simply be able to accept that they exist and are part of God's plan, even if they're far superior to mankind, even though humans are made in His image?

回答 (32)

2011-10-14 7:38 pm
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Nope it wouldn't make a difference to me, or what I feel I must do in life. The Bible is God's word for US, mankind.

There's a whole lot of undiscovered and unexplained in this universe.. I don't discount that possibility.

Take care!
2011-10-14 7:35 pm

Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.

How many worlds are there? Who knows!

Edit: Aliens are not demons, nor are demons "aliens" (demons are ultraterrestrials who might have been "aliens" at some point, they used to be called "fairies" and can shape shift into any form they want to). Earth is the only fallen world, it's being kept in quarantine to actually keep demons away from the other worlds.
2011-10-14 7:38 pm
No. Humans are described as special in the Bible. If aliens were discovered, it does not damage my faith, it just adjusts my understanding of the universe.
2011-10-14 7:37 pm
Nothing could make me stop believing, not even an alien.
2011-10-14 7:39 pm
I sound like such a psychopath, but I believe in aliens. I also am a strong believer of the paranormal.
So no, not really, it wouldn't affect my believings
2011-10-14 7:39 pm

No. I'd be wondering what their theology is and if they had needed a savior and gone through the same religious evolution as ourselves.


Michael Kelly
2011-10-14 8:12 pm

The Catholic Church has long acknowledged the possibility of other intelligent life in the universe.

Here are a couple of articles on the subject:

Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens: and

Do space aliens have souls?:

One suggestion is that aliens have never disobeyed God, committed Original Sin and therefore do not require salvation.

God keeps them away from us for their own protection. This is why we only see glimpses of them (UFOs) but no real contact can be made.

If found, it would be interesting if they had a seven day week.

With love in Christ.
2011-10-14 7:48 pm
Learning that God created intelligent life elsewhere in His universe would not change the slightest detail of the history of his relationship with His people on earth. Why would it?
2011-10-14 7:40 pm
No. I think God actually did make other species on different planets, but we'll never discover them like they'll never discover us. If we're supposed to discover them it would say so in the bible.
2011-10-14 7:56 pm
Not at all. Aliens are talked about in the Holy Bible.
2011-10-14 7:41 pm
Nope. Your narrow understanding of scripture leaves you missing the big picture.
2011-10-14 7:38 pm
What about if the alien was "God" ..... and he did some magic tricks to prove that he was "God"?
2011-10-14 7:36 pm
If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts, would every day be Christmas?
2011-10-14 8:23 pm
No. In fact lately both the discovery and history channels have been exploring this possibility even to examining what the scriptures have said about it. Suffice it to say the first poster is correct in that God has saved the earth for all mankind and the earth animals and creatures and dissuades any beings whether aliens or fallen demons that they can inhabit this earth. In fact that is what the flood event was all about.

It is no wonder that no alien or fallen angel would want to make their home here. And that even almighty God who came here in the form of Jesus Christ would live here. Even bible prophecy says that in the future God would live in only one planet in all this known universe. And that is this planet earth.

Even H.G. Wells who wrote The War of the Worlds understood the totality of what is on earth that might destroy any alien life form that thinks man is the only creature it should fear. But this is straying from the point about God making the earth only for man and the animals and other living entities here.

This is why the message of salvation is only for man. Man is the only being that God requires and demands so much of while we live. No other creature has this burden as man does. For man was created to be the only being that God would glorify his presence with on this earth. But because of man's fallen state of sin he himself does not understand his mission or purpose on earth.

No if aliens came here they would not damage my faith. In biblical history if an alien saw what God used Moses to do with his word against the nation of Egypt, or that God allowed Elijah to command fire to come out and destroy men with fire, or that Moses and Elijah could part the waters and walk on land, or that Jesus Christ could calm a storm with his word they should ponder what is in man that he can do such things.

A smart alien race would be very careful what man can do. Alas man has even with his own wisdom created bombs that can destroy so much on this earth. Man is not one creature an alien would handle too well. God understands this all to well as he has had to deal with mankind all through the centuries. Not for punishment but for redemption.
2011-10-14 7:54 pm
Actually, Paul hints of other inhabited worlds. Not by humans surely, but inhabited nonetheless.

Not much is said, but it makes sense that God would use of what he has created to fulfill some purpose we know not what might be.

We have been told very little that is not related to our lives on earth, so what do you expect?
2011-10-14 7:46 pm
Well, first off, not every Christian religion has such a "narrow scope" as you believe. There are some religions that are very precise about what is and isn't true, but there are also some that are much more open minded. Even then, there are some people (I know, I've met them) who don't even have an actual religion, but believe in God, and just pray to Him without following any specific customs. So, there's that. Also, consider that maybe God had a reason not to tell humanity about aliens. Or he created the after Jesus stopped living on Earth. Or any number of different possibilities.

And who knows? Maybe the aliens are Christian too.
2011-10-14 7:43 pm
The "Alien" you are talking about is actually "Jinn". Humans are created with sand or clay what ever you call it, and Jinn are created with "Smokeless Fire".

They can see us from, where we can not see them.

"He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery.

And the jinns did He create from a smokeless flame of fire. "

The Noble Qur'an - Al-Hijr 15:26-42

26. And indeed, We created man from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.

27. And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire.

28. And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to create a man (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.

29. "So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him, then fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him."

30. So, the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together.

31. Except Iblîs (Satan), - he refused to be among the prostrators.

32. (Allâh) said: "O Iblîs (Satan)! What is your reason for not being among the prostrators?"

33. [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "I am not the one to prostrate myself to a human being, whom You created from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud."

34. (Allâh) said: "Then, get out from here, for verily, you are Rajîm (an outcast or a cursed one)." [Tafsîr At-Tabarî]

35. "And verily, the curse shall be upon you till the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)."

36. [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "O my Lord! Give me then respite till the Day they (the dead) will be resurrected."

37. Allâh said: "Then, verily, you are of those reprieved,

38. "Till the Day of the time appointed."

39. [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all.

40. "Except Your chosen, (guided) slaves among them."

41. (Allâh) said: "This is the Way which will lead straight to Me."

42. "Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves, except those who follow you of the Ghâwîn (Mushrikûn and those who go astray, criminals, polytheists, and evil-doers, etc.).

Solomon's Experience with the Jinn

Allah made all the jinn subservient to the Prophet Sulaimaan (Solomon), a gift from Allah, swt, that will never be granted to another after him.

The Noble Qur'an - Saad 38:35-39
35. He said: "My Lord! Forgive me, and bestow upon me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me: Verily, You are the Bestower."

36. So, We subjected to him the wind, it blew gently to his order whithersoever he willed,

37. And also the Shayâtin (devils) from the jinns (including) every kind of builder and diver,

38. And also others bound in fetters.

39. [Saying of Allâh to Sulaimân (Solomon)]: "This is Our gift, so spend you or withhold, no account will be asked."

The Noble Qur'an - Saba' 34:12-14

12. And to Solomon (We subjected) the wind, its morning (stride from sunrise till midnoon) was a month's (journey), and its afternoon (stride from the midday decline of the sun to sunset) was a month's (journey i.e. in one day he could travel two months' journey). And We caused a fount of (molten) brass to flow for him, and there were jinns that worked in front of him, by the Leave of his Lord, and whosoever of them turned aside from Our Command, We shall cause him to taste of the torment of the blazing Fire.

13. They worked for him what he desired, (making) high rooms, images, basins as large as reservoirs, and (cooking) cauldrons fixed (in their places). "Work you, O family of Dâwud (David), with thanks!" But few of My slaves are grateful.

14. Then when We decreed death for him [Sulaimân (Solomon)], nothing informed them (jinns) of his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his stick, so when he fell down, the jinns saw clearly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in the humiliating torment.

The Noble Qur'an - An-Naml 27:17-19

17. And there were gathered before Sulaimân (Solomon) his hosts of jinns and men, and birds, and they all were set in battle order (marching forwards).

18. Till, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said: "O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulaimân (Solomon) and his hosts crush you, while they perceive not."

19. So he [Sulaimân (Solomon)] smiled, amused at her speech[] and said: "My Lord! Inspire and bestow upon me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favours which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You, and admit me by Your Mercy among Your righteous slaves."

For more information on this visit:
2011-10-14 7:43 pm
Not at all because only the arrogant think they have it all figured out. There is so much more than we could ever know.
Also, it makes me laugh when atheists come on here and claim to know what a Christian would say, when in fact, not one Christian said yes, it would damage their faith. That makes them (those particular atheists) the arrogant ignorant , narrow minded ones.
2011-10-14 7:41 pm
NO. You are wrong. Show me a verse that says humans are Gods only creation.
Image is not a copy.
I don't doubt there is sentient life elsewhere. I just think the distances are too far to have a pub party as shown in Star Wars.
Where do people get the idea aliens would effect religion, unless they came to convert humans and some chose to follow the new alien religion. Or maybe aliens only eat Baptists?
2011-10-14 7:41 pm
no, nothing in the bible says that life on other planets is out of the question
2011-10-14 7:41 pm
Aliens are NOT a silly concept. Scientists are questioning whether life will be found on Europa, a moon of Saturn. Whether it is or not, You must agree that there are a million other stars in THIS galaxy alone, and uncountable galaxies in the universe. Life elsewhere is a given. They'd just say, "God HAS no 'set' image. He can look like whatever He wants to." It is granted that we are not looking for life that looks like us. We're looking for life, period.
2011-10-14 7:41 pm
Bible is for earthlings.

25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

Bible helps me
Try This download free
2011-10-14 7:37 pm
2011-10-14 7:36 pm
Challenge It's authenticity, then give up and incorporate it in.

Sounds about right.
2011-10-14 7:36 pm
they are not a silly just have no clue...
2011-10-14 7:40 pm
Typical atheist.
2011-10-14 7:44 pm
You know, the Movie Paul made the same Arguments, but they make no sense.

For Starters, you say that everything in the Bible says that Humans are God's special little Creation. Does that include when man is called a worm? How about in the Book of Job in the closing Chapters where God explicitly states that things were not all created just for man? What about the Book of Ecclesiastes where Solomon calls man an Animal? I'm sorry but I just don't see how the Bible all the way through implies that Humanity is God's special Creation. Man has a special role in the Created Earth we live on, in that he is to have Dominion. he is essentially God's gardener here to care for the Earth and to maintain it. ( And he's failed miserably.) But this hardly means the whole of all life on Earth was made explicitly for man.

How much less the rest of the Universe?

All things were made by God for God, and if Alien Life exists, then its simply something else god made. God made man to tend to the Earth, God did not make man for other Planets. I am not saying tis morally wrong to go to other worlds, but I just don't think the Bible is contradicted by the reality of Intelligent Alien life elsewhere.

Nothing in the Scriptures says this.

As for Man being in God's Image, that doe snot mean that man physically resembles God, God is a non corporeal Spirit, so if the Aliens did not look Human so what? They may also be in God's Image. Even if they aren't, so what? Nothing in Scripture says man is Intelligent because he is in God's Image, and we already Know god created creatures far superior to man. Angels are seen as Superior to Man, for example, and are Created beings.

If an Alien race came along that was superior to man, it would mean nothing.


I should also mention that the Mormon Faith actually explicitly states that life exists on other Planets and expects Alien life.

So that's one Church that is based on Christianity that explicitly says Life must exist elsewhere.
參考: I read ther Bible and used actual Logic to reason it out.
2011-10-14 7:44 pm
no it would not, i would hope they would have the wright to go to heaven too and i think they would because God is a just god
2011-10-14 8:06 pm
The Bible does not indicate whether there are aliens or not. Its primary focis is to equip us with the things that will draw us closer to God and secure our eternal life.
2011-10-14 7:58 pm
Aliens have been visiting this planet for a very long time, and are quite possibly our original "forefathers".
So my faith in them would remain unchanged.
2011-10-14 7:41 pm
Absolutely not.
Unless we must take the scriptures literally.
We shouldn't. They were written thousands of years ago to be understood by the average layman of those times. The messages are important, the stories or mythology contained, a lot less.
2011-10-14 7:37 pm
they would deny their existence or claim that bible passages speak of them.
the illusion will be sustained AT ALL COSTS.

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