Which city experiences warmer summers and why?... Chicago, IL or San Francisco, CA?

2011-10-14 4:27 am
I have a couple of questions on my Geo midterm that I cant figure out. Any help will be great. Thanks!

回答 (5)

2011-10-15 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chicago hands down is way hotter during the summer.

YOu would be lucky to break 70 degrees in July without fog in San Francisco. San Francisco is not what I would call WARM in the summer. Their warmest time of year with temps reaching low 70s is september and october.

Chicago Averages:
June 80 Hi 62 Lo
July 84 Hi 68 Lo
August 82 Hi 66 Lo
Can be very muggy, very humid, can rain.

San Francisco Averages:
June 67 Hi 53 Lo
July 67 Hi 54 Lo
August 68 Hi 55 Lo
Pretty much no humidity whatsover, no rain, but can be damp due to incessant fog.

weather.com can be your friend too.
2011-10-14 6:09 am
July Average High
Chicago, IL: 85F
San Francisco: 68F

August Average High
Chicago, IL: 82F
San Francisco: 69F

Chicago has hotter summers and colder winters then San Francisco. The ocean absorbs warmth during the summer to keep San Francisco cool during the summer. During the winter, the ocean releases the warmth to make San Francisco warmer during the winter. Chicaco has a smaller lake effect due to Lake Michigan but the Pacific Ocean is a much larger body of water then Lake Michigan thus the Pacific Ocean has more of an effect on San Francisco's weather then Michigan has on Chicago's weather.
2011-10-14 4:46 am
Chicago by a whole lot. One might think that because they are both on the water, they could be the same, Not so. San Francisco is on the ocean, and most of the time has an onshore breeze. The ocean is much colder than Lake Michigan. The current comes in the direction of the shore. When it reaches shallow water, water on the bottom comes toward the surface. It is called upwelling. The temperature is about 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
參考: Tried to swim there in summertime Wikipedia
2017-02-25 9:33 pm
at first, San Fran does not have extra advantageous climate. Being in the bay, the climate may well be much extra brutal and unpredicable than Chicago often times. extreme winds, sour chilly from the Pacific wind, etc. Granted Chicago has harsh climate often times too, yet a minimum of you have a enormously good concept while it somewhat is coming (every time from September to March). so some distance as variety, i think of Chicago might have San Fran beat on that. i understand that San Fran has a extensive white, latino and asian inhabitants, yet Chicago has eastern eu, Indian (the two types), south American, Puerto Rican, all varieties of Asian, African, Jamaican, you call it. the various eating places and nighttime golf equipment mirror this large variety. Culturally, they the two have their distincive characteristic. San Fran has way of lifestyles, yet a various variety, a extra bohemian way of lifestyles. Chicgao is extra blue collar yet has a ton of stay theater venues, music, shape, literary activities, social nightlife, etc. can not communicate to the college. you will might desire to inspect that your self. If in any respect achieveable, i might say bypass to each and each city for a weekend. settle on for your self. communicate with the community citizens to get an concept of the way they sense approximately it.
2011-10-15 12:20 am
The ocean doesn't "absorb" warmth to keep SF cool in the summer, or the whole east coast would be cool in the summer. Instead, the hotter inland valleys cause convection fog to form along the coast, and the Golden Gate (which is a narrow passageway into SF Bay) allows the hotter inland air to pull the moisture into the city as fog. Since the ocean temperature is in the mid-50s, the air in most parts of SF is cool. However, some neighborhoods, like the Mission and Noe Valley, are protected from the fog and are warmer. Not as warm as Chicago, though.
參考: Live in SF for 18 years.

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