中譯英, 謝謝

2011-10-14 6:43 am







回答 (6)

2011-10-14 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我點會睇錯得架 How could I see it wrong!
佢原來係男仔嚟架 She is actually a boy.

無乜野好野招呼你地喎 Sorry, I don't really have anything nice to treat you.

你嘅個性真係夠晒率直架啦 You're really straightforward in character.

我地不如玩啤牌吖 Why don't we play some card games?

以後唔好一個人玩得咁夜喇吓 Don't you ever play around that late by yourself again!

好啦,暫時瞞住佢地喇 Alright, we don't let them know the truth for the time being.

萬分感激 Thanks a million!
2011-10-15 9:33 pm
I will keep the wrong frame
Their old man Li
No good what wild wild greets you with Wai
You Kai personality really make up Frank
I better play beer brand with acridine
Don't playing alone had to give night after La Salle
Well, to temporarily close their la
Grateful heart lover.
參考: me
2011-10-15 4:47 pm
1.By my own eyesight how could be mistaken for something else 2.She is substantially belonged to a male person.
3.Frankly speaking, there aren't anything else for treating you.
4.As far as character being concerned, you are a straightforward person.
5.How about let us changed to play Bridge card game.
6. Please don't play Bridge card game after midnight.
7. Aha! this matter should be covered up for the time being.
2011-10-14 5:45 pm

She is in fact a boy

好過 譯為

He is in fact a boy.


Mary is pretty and she's got Betty Davis Eyes. But let me tell you. She is in fact a boy.

2011-10-14 10:50 am
我點會睇錯得架 - How come I can't see this? ?_?佢原來係男仔嚟架 - He's in fact a boy! -o-

無乜野好野招呼你地喎 - Sorry for not treating you with nice food and drinks. ^ ^"

你嘅個性真係夠晒率直架啦 - You're really frank // honest. ; )

我地不如玩啤牌吖 - Let's play a card game, shall we? : D

以後唔好一個人玩得咁夜喇吓 - Don't hang out and stay up alone. ~o~

好啦,暫時瞞住佢地喇 - Alright, let's not tell them now. =.=

萬分感激 - Thank you so much! // Many thanks! =]

2011-10-14 23:21:53 補充:
Write in this way:

"She" is in fact a boy. // He is in fact a boy.
參考: iLang
2011-10-14 9:21 am
I saw it by my eyes, how could I get it wrong?
Gosh! She is in fact a boy.
Sorry, nothing much to offer to my guest!
You got a real bold and direct character.
Let's play some poker.
Please don't ever hang out on your own till late again.
Well, let's keep the truth from them for the time being.
Thank you very much!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:17:52
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