想要一d adiectives...

2011-10-13 10:39 pm
想要20個adiectives only

thank you!!

要難d既adjectives!! thz!!

回答 (3)

2011-10-14 11:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Advanced Vocabulary (Adjectives)inspirationalinfluentialcomplexauthoritativeintimidatingmediocreoverwhelmedinterconnectedrepressiveoverlookedcontestedpromisingintuitiveaccustomedstodgydemographictech-savvynarcissisticattention-cravingsophisticated
You shouldunderstand the meaning(s) of each word; observe how each word is used in different situations; anduse each word to construct your own sentence.
參考: iLang
2011-10-14 3:10 am
Happy 開心
Sad 傷心
Tall 高
Short 矮
Wide 闊
Narrow 窄
Cold 凍
Hot 熱
Cool 涼
Sunny 陽光普照
Windy 有風
Beautiful 美麗
Handsome 有型
Clever 聰明
Stupid 笨
Lovely 可愛
Angry 生氣
Nervous 緊張
Fat 胖
Thin 瘦 以下是雅虎搜查結果:http://hk.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Axt7wK9YO3xOZnEA6EOzygt.?p=%E6%89%B9%E7%99%BC+pf23&fr2=sb-top&fr=FP-tab-web-t&rd=r1 
參考: yahoo
2011-10-13 11:06 pm
Happy 開心
Sad 傷心
Tall 高
Short 矮
Wide 闊
Narrow 窄
Cold 凍
Hot 熱
Cool 涼
Sunny 陽光普照
Windy 有風
Beautiful 美麗
Handsome 有型
Clever 聰明
Stupid 笨
Lovely 可愛
Angry 生氣
Nervous 緊張
Fat 胖
Thin 瘦
參考: 自己

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