Is there any Astrological Remedy for Health problems?

2011-10-12 10:09 am

I have been suffering from stomach related problems since my age 25 (I'm 29 now). I visited many hospitals and consulted so many gastroenterology doctors but all of them found nothing wrong in my body and so I'm medically fit. I even tried Siddha/Auyurvedha too but nothing worked out for me. So, please can anyone tell is there any astrological problems in my horoscope and also remedies if any?

My Birth Details:

DOB: 02-AUG-1982
Time: 04:25 A.M.
Place: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Star: Moola
Rasi: Dhanus


回答 (5)

2011-10-12 10:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am using Western Astrology as this is my strength. You are a Leo Sun which is the strongest sign of the zodiac. However your Moon is in the 6th House of physical health. So I don't doubt that you are having stomach issues because the moon rules the breasts and the stomach. Your Neptune is also in this 6th house of physical health and when Neptune is present in this house of health, many times there are mysterious rashes and illnesses that defy diagnosis. Exactly what you are going through. I do believe there is a problem here but Neptune is really clouding the problem. I have strong Pisces in my chart (and Pisces is ruled by Neptune) and I am healing from a spider bite although there is no official diagnosis. I just have a wound on my abdomen! No diagnosis though so I do understand your problems and realize that you are having a much more difficult time than I currently am having.

Your 6th House Moon is in a tough aspect with Venus in Cancer in the 12th house of spirituality. Your Capricorn moon often makes it difficult to open up emotionally to others as emotions are often seen as a weakness with this position,. And then too Capricorn Moons often hold grudges for ages. And this is not a healthy thing to do. Holding a grudge is harder on the person holding the grudge than the only to whom the grudge is formed! So I am suggesting that you open up emotionally to those that you love as many times we are sick from nothing more than holding in emotions that need to be released. That has been my experience anyway.

And your 12th house Venus and North Node are conjunct. Which means that finding love is all important for you in this lifetime and your future lifetime. This is your chance to find love, even though you may not feel comfortable with the "emotion" of giving of yourself due to the Capricorn Moon. Since your Venus and North Node (the direction you will be heading in the future) are conjoined together in this 12th house. I believe in your future you need to open up to love as you surely are headed that way. Maybe there is a karmic reason why you are having difficulty combining your emotions (Moon) with your ability to love (Venus).

I would continue testing to find the cause of this health problem as Neptune can really mask a diagnosis. And try to forgive those that have hurt you in this life. Often we hold things inside of us and those emotions really need to be released. I believe that true love is your destination in this life. And who knows maybe you might meet a great friend or lover when you are getting your next attempt for a diagnosis. I too would suggest going to as you can enter in your symptoms and the possible diagnosis is given due to your symptoms.

But emotional spiritual health goes hand in hand with loving and forgiving.. I am hopeful for your recovery and do try to let go of any grudge as the person that always hurts the most is the one that is holding the grudge. Good luck and bless you too. Hope you are better soon. I wish you well.
參考: EDIT:I just remembered my mom telling me to sleep on my left side when I sleep as the opening of the stomach is in its natural flow through your ability to let it function without any backup heartburn etc. I will edit after talking to my mother but I do believe it is best to lay of the left side at night. Check out an anatomy book and see which way the stomach naturally empties. Good luck to you.
2011-10-12 6:48 pm
stomach problems?
this is a long shot, however i recommend watching this video. it covers something known as the amazing Gallbladder and liver Flush, the idea is to purge accumulated toxins. this man here in the interview once had severe protein deficiency,a horrible health problem, which is totally gone.
this method cures tremendous health problems even chronic conditions, its all natural. hope this helps, look more onto his videos.

also, im aware your asking for astrological remedies, this was all i could think of to assist you with, best wishes to you leo
2011-10-12 5:25 pm
use an iron ring for bad rahu
2011-10-12 6:32 pm
Massage every satursay before taking bath. Every satuday feed crows fried juguury soft sweet. (Gulgulla)
2011-10-12 6:26 pm
according to your kundali you have mithun lagna and dhanu your problem the reason is ...
your two main planate moon and sukra are effected with rahu and ketu...means you have sukra+rahu yuti in 1st house and chandra+ketu yuti in 7th house.
so do remedies for this case your ISHTDEV AND MUKHYAGRAH will always help you.if you want to know about your ishtdev and mukhyagrah then contact me on..08758177901

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