Marriage compatibility score differs from astrologer to astrologer. Why?

2011-10-12 9:55 am
Here is my and my gal's horo details. One astrologer says this is a perfect match and can be proceeded further. The other one says our birth stars and rasi won't match and so can be dropped. Please can anyone tell whether the following can be a good match or not?

My Details:
DOB: 02-AUG-1982
Time: 04:25 A.M.
Place: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Star: Moola
Rasi: Dhanus

My Gals's Details:
DOB: 04-JAN-1985
Time: 12:30 P.M.
Place: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Star: Rohini
Rasi: Rishaba


回答 (6)

2011-10-12 12:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is not surprising that you are getting diverse results while trying to match Kundli.There are various schools of thought and texts and unfortunately the methods of calculations and theories for predictions are not uniform as per the various schools and texts. The results of calculations and casting of birth charts are not the same as per sayana and nirayana systems. So also differences are observed for predictions and results. For example Rahu is is taken as exalted in Gemini as per traditional texts but Parashar samhita prescribed Taurus as the sign of exaltation for Rahu. There are numerous such examples about other theories. Predictions as per Parashara, Jaimini and Vrigu are not uniform in all cases. Some scholars of later periods also came up with new observations.
It is therefore very difficult to ascertain which one will apply in a particular case. It therefore becomes almost a gamble to decide which method and theory will apply and make predictions from case to case. This is one of the main reasons why predictions made do not come true. I suggest that you contact a good person and discuss and he may, after a personal interaction, find the method which will apply in this case and guide you properly. But I suggest that for a more accurate reading he should interact with both the persons and not just one.
2011-10-12 5:04 pm
They are all fakes dont believe
2011-10-12 5:14 pm
Because they arn't real. They are ancient beliefs like the Greek Gods. Also, because each book is different because there is no system for what each variable really means from book to book.
2011-10-12 5:04 pm
ica is right. The more you care for astrological calculations, the more you get suspicious with issues relating to your life.

As I have read, astrology is a suggestive science. In fact, everything that is logical should support or indicate to your inner feeling.
2011-10-12 4:59 pm
If u love her really from ur innr core of heart nothing bad can happen in ur future life..
Horo may diffr.... But ur love cnnot diffr evr... God is wit whom who loves othrs soulefully. Dont think any negetive ....
Al the best for ur future.
2011-10-12 4:57 pm
i don't really believe in astrologer compatibility. If you love each other and have a good relation that's enough.

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