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1. In series.
2. (a) brighter
Because the copper wire has a low resistance, it causes electric current to by-pass bulb A, leaving effectivel only bulb B in the circuit. Hence, all voltage of the battery is applied across bulb B, it would glow brighter.
(b) doesn't glow
As explained above, almost all current passes through the copper wire instead of passing through bulb A because of the low resistance of the copper wire. Without nay current to pass through, bulb A doesn't glow.
(c) The reading of the ammeter increases.
Becuae of the introduction of the copper wire, bulb A is being "shorted". The total resistance of the circuit is reduced, thus causing a larger current to flow than before.
(d) Short-circuit.
Explanation is the same as in (c)
2011-10-12 22:41:57 補充:
If the fuse is onnected in parallel with the bulb, due to the low resistance of the fuse, electric current will flow through the fuse instead of the bulb...
2011-10-12 22:42:58 補充:
As a result, the bulb would not glow. The fuse would be blown off instantly.
2011-10-12 22:45:25 補充:
The fuse is used to protect the bulb, preventing a large current to flow through the bulb. If the fuse is connected in series, when a large current flows, the fuse will be blown off. Thus cutting off the current and peventing the bulb from damage.
2011-10-12 22:46:57 補充:
天同,我答第一題既答案唔同你果個,can u explain to me??? thx!!
Please see the answer in the "opinion"(意見) section.