Acrostic Poem about nature!快!

2011-10-13 3:57 am
要幾篇關於Nature(stone ,grass ,cloud,animal,etc.)嘅Acrostic poem.題目要最少5個字母嘅英文字,即最少5句.快!超急!

回答 (2)

2011-10-13 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear anonymous we thank you for your whoever questioned be deleted for the offended in part of your requests.,but I must point out that student's guidance is totally inadequate if you dont work hard. The word puzzle,word arrangement 1st letter of the lines make a word in initialling positioning by the frequency of the rhythmic words. No more offence. Five out of Five are shown as below:-
Contents on Animal:
Antelope running from their nest
Nanny Goat walking in the west
In some living animals in the west Mare Horse Happy Valley best
Animals female about for rest
Lynx+Lioness feeding on breast.

Contents on Clouds:-Cloudy sky we all agree
Lowering gloomy boon
Overcast sunless disagree
Unclouded clear&bright the moon
Darken our view one,two,three
Stormy cloud clear up soon

Contents on Grasss:-Green green grass of home
Recreation in ground is savannah
Areas of grass are church dome
Stepple chase pampas Havanah
Sugar cane in village green room
Sprit or Esprit banner

Contents on Nature:-Naturalist loves nature
A kind nature
Temperament is disposed
Urine the God who dispose
Recreat in countryside
Environmental friendly beside

Contents on Stones:-Stones on sandy beach
Tangle boulder the son of bitch
Of all kinds of stone
No plum can seed stone
Emerald precious gemming the stone
Stone someone if try to steal the flagstone.
參考: me
2011-10-13 8:32 am
Questions posted by '匿名' (whoever it is) are very likely to be deleted and the contributers will very likely feel offended. I didn't mind helping people with homework, as I thought it would have been nice to have some guidance when I was a student..........

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